Dark & Stormy Regatta
From: Commodore <commodore@pointlookoutyc.com>
To: Mattpeerless <mattpeerless@yahoo.com>; CJ <cjb2256@aol.com>; John Bono <jbono42425@aol.com>; bbono99@aol.com PLYC <bbono99@aol.com>; Mike E <coyfam4@optonline.net>; Candice Devodier <cdevodier@aol.com>; Tom Doheny <tdainc@optonline.net>; vgdonoban <vgdonoban@gmail.com>; dan <dan@pipline-talent.com>; Edgar Fayans <efayans@hotmail.com>; VC Mary Ann McCruden <vicecommodoreplyc@gmail.com>; robert funkenberg <robertnjustin@gmail.com>; jasrgo <jasrgo@att.net>; thomas.harsh <thomas.harsh@me.com>; Jan Heinlein <janmhein@aol.com>; c herman <candice212@hotmail.com>; Peggy <mspiggy888@verizon.net>; John Kalfa <jkalfa@optonline.net>; Pat Kalfa <pkalfa@optonline.net>; DON Kiefer <DJK688@aol.com>; GB <GB@FOXS.COM>; Secretary Peggy <secretaryplyc@gmail.com>; ED Pacchioni <edpac@optimum.net>; Charlie Reiter <cjreiter1@aol.com>; zweigsrdc <zweigsrdc@aol.com>; Jeremy S <jdsscuba@gmail.com>; Michael Schmeelk <schmeelk.michael@gmail.com>; Jill Smith <jiblet4sail@gmail.com>; Hobbitt Bob Tadaro <racingcommodoreplyc@gmail.com>; Paul Waschek <paul.waschek@gmail.com>; XENOS XENOS <xenos10@msn.com>; paulgalletti7 <paulgalletti7@yahoo.com>; virginia donovan <vgdonovan@gmail.com>; CATALYST Pete rsco225@yahoo.com <petermuratori@aol.com>; slowsail14@gmail.com <slowsail14@gmail.com>; Robert Todaro <roberttodaro@hotmail.com>; Ellen Emons Kramer <ellenkramer9@gmail.com>; Jayne Feihel <jfeihel3@gmail.com>; frankwelner <frankwelner@aol.com>; m.victoriafries <m.victoriafries@gmail.com>; Pete Muratori <petemuratori@yahoo.com>; AHSAIL <AHSAIL@AOL.com>
Cc: members <members@pointlookoutyc.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 12, 2019 6:46 am
Subject: Dark & Stormy Regatta
hope you are looking forward to a perfect day of sailing for our annual Dark
& Stormy regatta.
I get a show of hands from Skippers’?
let us know if plan to compete, so we can put together a scratch sheet in
you Saturday,
Dark & Stormy Regatta
Hola Members,
I hope you are looking forward to a perfect day of sailing for our annual Dark & Stormy regatta.
Can I get a show of hands from Skippers’?
Please let us know if plan to compete, so we can put together a scratch sheet in advance.
Thank you.
See you Saturday,
PLYC Meeting Tomorrow CANCELED
Skippers’ Brunch
Yesterday was our second event of the 2019 season, the Skippers’ Brunch.
I really want to congratulate my executive team for an outstanding job, and a fantastic selection of dishes. Special thanks to Kat, our Social Affairs Commodore, Mary Ann, Vice Commodore and John Bono, Treasurer, for their contributions of food, time and bubbly.
I also want to thank Jan, our PLYC Secretary for all the work put into preparing for our Toy Lending Center event on July 13th. She handled every task on her own, from printing to assembling ticket books. Let’s all show her our appreciation by attaining our goal of $7,500.
Thank you members, for your warm welcome and purchases of our special guest Chaz Loyola and his Mariner’s Cookbook. I know the sample I tasted was mouthwatering. I am looking forward trying out many of the other recipes.
Next week is our Dark & Stormy Race Series. I know that our Race Commodore, Bob T. has some creative ideas for making the day an exciting one. I just hope the sea cooperates and is a little less challenging than yesterday.
Finally, there is a general membership meeting scheduled for Wednesday. I will send an update as to the location before then.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and see you next week.
Vaquita reception
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful reception at the dock last night. It was very thoughtful and much appreciated.
We are looking forward to welcoming the rest of the new arrivals over the coming weeks, and hope that everyone will attend the renaming and blessing of all the new arrivals on the summer Sailstice raft-up on the 22nd.
Don’t forget tomorrow is the Skippers’ Breakfast. It will be an opportunity for newcomers to meet the club and for each of us to rekindle friendships.
See you tomorrow.
And, Thank you,
Rob and Jayne
New PLYC Event Information:
You’re invited to Skipper’s Meet & Greet Brunch – Click here to RSVP
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 7:32 AM
To: Xenos10@msn.com
Subject: New PLYC Event Information:
Rob Feihel (commodore) just published a new post to the member forum. Subject: Schedule Changes
You can view the full article here: https://pointlookoutyc.com/member-forum/