Oct 5th

G’Day Mates,
On Oct 5th we will hold the annual Commodore Cup Regatta. It will be followed by the final season awards party at Kimball and CJ’s house in Point Lookout. 
The club will provide main courses for the party, and members will be asked to contribute either an appetizer or a dessert. 
Participation in the event requires registration: No registration- No Trophy! No exceptions!
Registrations must include the number of people attending the awards party and the appetizer or dessert you plan to bring. 
Odds and Evens… if your birthday falls on a odd day, bring an appetizer. If is falls on an even day, bring a dessert. 
The PLYC apparel stored closes on Wednesday, this week, and will not reopen until November. 
The garments will be available and delivered at the awards party. Be sure to place your orders if want them for the party.  
Have a great day. I hope to see everyone there. 
Robert Feihel

Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Begin creating or performing at the level you intend to reach — don’t start as a “beginner.”
Theodore Roosevelt