Dear members,
The Pink Race is turning out to be a popular competition. This is going to be one hell of a regatta. So far we have four boats, Haleakala2, LeGatto, Windancer and Vaquita in the lineup with a total of 17 crewmembers (including male servants). Any woman who is not yet assigned to a boat is welcome to register. There is still plenty of room to join the fun.
Keep in mind the rules:
· Each boat should be able to maintain safe distances onboard among crew members
· The women will captain and crew the boat during the competition
· Everyone onboard will wear pink
· Male riders serve food and drinks
· Standard PHRF handicaps will apply and be calculated during the pink party that follows
Crew/ boat assignments will follow very shortly.
Keep in mind there will be a Kayak race event the following week. Everyone in the marina is invited, so pass the word.