Kayak Race Day


Kayak races will start around 12:30, at which time we will establish teams and orders of competition. Feel free to invite your family and friends, all are welcome. Note, sport-type floatation devices are in limited supply, so if you have one please bring it. For safety, the course will be entirely within the marina.

Dependent upon the turnout, we plan to have teams of two, competing against each other in an elimination process until we get down to two finalists, and finally the grand prize winner. There will be one grand prize awarded to the winning team. The Grand Prize will be awarded today, and trophies for the event will be awarded at our annual awards party, the date to be determined. Sailboat racing rules apply, no touching the marks, the penalty is another trip around the mark. After that NASCAR rules apply (rubbing is racing). Other (nonsexual) distractions are also acceptable?

We ask that you make a small donation to our Toy Lending Center fund drive.

The races will be proceeded by a general membership meeting around 11:30. The agenda is short. We will discuss our fund raising progress, plans for the Spirit Rider event on the 12th and the Commodore Cup competition later in the month. Dates for these events are available on the club calendar under event schedule. You must be logged in to view it.

Good luck to all. See you later this morning.
