TLC Fund Raising Update on a goal of $10,000


Club announcements and race results

Thank you and Happy Birthday Kimball, and thank you to CJ for graciously hosting our season closing party. Kat, thank you for managing the attendance and food. 
To all our members, thank you for a great season in a difficult time, and for all your donations to the Toy Lending Center.  Please remember that you can communicate with the whole club simply by sending an email to:
Also, this year is a club election year. All board member positions are up for election. Please throw your hat in the ring for the position of your choice by sending an email to members. The positions of commodore and vise commodore need to be filled as a pair. So, choose your running mate and put your names in. Past board members are alway available to support you, and it is a great opportunity to introduce and implement fresh new ideas. Once the names are in, we will put them out for a vote of the general membership. 
One more congratulations to the Perigee team for their Commodore Cup win. The actual results are listed below using time-on-time scoring. While T-on-T does not change the results, it is a little more flattering to the chasing boats. 🙂 The time on the left is the actual finish with the first boat setting the base. The times on the right are PHRF adjusted times following the base. 
Be safe and communicate often.
Love to all, 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  




Annual 2020 Spirit Rider Regatta


Ahoy Captains, Noreen and Gary!

Tis that special time of year where we come together to join Noreen and the O’keefe Foundation fundraiser for the Grand Spirit Rider Regatta!

This year due to covid, this wonderful weekend of event has been scaled down in respect to social distancing.

Please join us for an impromptu unofficial Captains Meeting at the docks/pergola of the PLYC’s East Marina 1501 Lido blvd, Point Lookout NY 11569 this Friday September 11, 2020 at 5:00 pm.

2020 Annual Spirit Rider race to be held Saturday September 12, 2020 with a 1:00 pm start.

Post race gathering at the PLYC Pergola East Marina for Pizza and BYOB.

Sunday 911 Memorial Mass dedicated to the Front Line Covid 19 Responders followed by Brunch and awards.

IThe Captains Meeting is a ca social distancing gathering with BYOB and munchies, to discuss race information, past Spirit Rider regattas, whales sightings and so much more.

Please RSVP if you will be joining the Pizza Party afterwards, I will need a head count. Done wanna short anyone a slice. Shoot me a text 917.444.0402 or reply to me only. In

Exciting times, enjoy some pics from last weekend fun chasing whales!

🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Ahoy PLYC Captains, First Mates, Crew family and friends!

As the summer comes to and end, the days get chillier and we cherish every last moment we get to sail. Grateful that we did get to sail this summer with all the madness happening in the world today!

We saved the very best race for last this year PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta. Race Commodore Bobby T will be following up with the race information later this week.

This year our gracious party host SPECTACULAR Kimball and CJ are once again opening their beautiful home to the PLYC Family to end the bittersweet season.

I need a definite show of hands who will attending with total guest count. This will be a catered event. It will be BYOB and desserts are always welcome!

Please RSVP with boat participation or crew, total guests in your paaahhhrty and if you’re bringing anything sweet. Kindly replying to this email or shoot me a quick text 917.444.0402.

Luv ya! Can’t wait to see ya… on the water or land!


Spirit Rider


I have been meaning to do this all week…

I want to give my thanks to Bobby Todaro our Race Commodore for coming up with the idea to continue the tradition with a scaled-down version of the annual regatta , and volunteering to manage the whole race himself. I also want to congratulate him on a first place win! Congratulations! Nice work!

I also want to thank Kat Xenos our Social Events Commodore for her work putting together the beautifully executed pizza/birthday party following the race. In addition, she made her first entry into the regatta with her new boat Dulcinea, and took second place in her division! Congratulations!

Thank you all for your participation, making the event a complete success!

Please be reminded to pass the word about TLC donations, we are getting close to our goal, but only have a few weeks left.

I will post information about the Commodore cup race in the coming days.

Finally, the PLYC apparel store is open. Several new items have been added. It’s worth checking out.

Be safe,
