πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta! πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†


Ahoy PLYC Captains, First Mates, Crew family and friends!

As the summer comes to and end, the days get chillier and we cherish every last moment we get to sail. Grateful that we did get to sail this summer with all the madness happening in the world today!

We saved the very best race for last this year PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta. Race Commodore Bobby T will be following up with the race information later this week.

This year our gracious party host SPECTACULAR Kimball and CJ are once again opening their beautiful home to the PLYC Family to end the bittersweet season.

I need a definite show of hands who will attending with total guest count. This will be a catered event. It will be BYOB and desserts are always welcome!

Please RSVP with boat participation or crew, total guests in your paaahhhrty and if you’re bringing anything sweet. Kindly replying to this email or shoot me a quick text 917.444.0402.

Luv ya! Can’t wait to see ya… on the water or land!


2 Replies to “πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta! πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†”

  1. Ahoy PLYC Captains, First Mates, Crew family and friends!

    Boats going out with a vang bang boom baby!

    Haleakala 2
    Rosso Di Sera
    Outward Bound
    ??? Waterfront Property would be great to make it an even 10 boats!

    Exciting times ahead…as per our fabulouso Race Commodore Bobby T. πŸ§œβ€β™‚οΈ
    Captains meeting at 11:00 am sharp.
    Bring your best SMILES & POSES because there’ll be a serious photo op afterwards
    Race start 12:30-13:00 hrs
    It will be a very long over due Windward/Leeward TANKER RUN RACE!!!
    🌬🌬🌬 With winds S-SSE 12-18k and nice 2’ seas 🌊🌊🌊
    Approximate course length 6-7 miles
    The NOR will be out shortly…
    Weather in the afternoon high 74 cloudy with 20% chance of light rain…. Point Lookout tends the get the slip from the rain… pray for it.

    Evening cool 68, warm fall cuddly attire recommended.
    The Blocklet Castle for some social distancing in their spectacular zen garden paradise. Time: 6:30 pm
    129 Baldwin ave.
    Please make a grand entrance and enter via the garden entrance located on Ocean blvd. Btw Baldwin & Parkside Road Drive
    FYI: BYOB, Desserts and any other surprises welcome.
    Buffet Dinner served around 7ish

    Please, I need your final total guest count text me as early as possible if you haven’t already. 917.444.0402

    Luv ya! Can’t wait to see ya!

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