Commodore Cup Captains meeting 12 noon

Finally a beautiful sunny Saturday with 72 degree weather with some nice 10 knots of wind.
Captains meeting will be at 12:00 noon, Race starts at 2:00 pm. Race Commodore Bobby T will be providing course details at the Captains meeting. 

Huge shout out to our gracious hosts Kimball & CJ for hosting the after party at their beautiful home.  Also to our beautiful Social Commodores Elyn and Sasha for working diligently to bring it all together.  

A special thank you for ALL who respectfully took the time to RSVP.  That really helps us out in the planning.

Lastly, a friendly reminder to all non members who are always welcome to come celebrate, there is a $20 per person fee.  Payable to either John B, Elyn, Sasha or me upon arrival.

Closing out the season with a great race and a Big Bang of a party.  Good luck to all the Captains and crew!


PLYC Commodore