PLYC End of Season Party Sunday October 16th, 2022

Ahoy PLYC!
Hope everyone is enjoying the last days of warm weather.

We are blessed to be celebrating 2022 PLYC End of Season Party in the magical garden of the Bocklet Castle this Sunday, October 16th at 5:00 pm.

Kimball and CJ our gracious hosts, always ensure a beautiful and memorable end to our summer!
Social Commodores, Elyn and Sasha have been working diligently in creating the perfectly delicious buffet menu selections.
Race Commodore Bobby and Vice Commodore Paul are excited to announce that the famous “PLYC Gutter Races” are full on!

Trophies will not be given on Sunday, they will be given out next year.

Friendly reminder that this is a BYOB event!
…The Kalfa’s have generously volunteered to bringing JELLO-SHOTS!

The PLYC Exec Dream Team Committee works really hard throughout the year to make all this fun events happen. We want them to have fun too!
Everyone is always welcome to all PLYC events. Respectfully, I ask for whomever has not paid membership dues or is not a member, in order to cover the extra expenses, kindly pay $30 per person to attend preferably electronically.
Zelle – 516-967-6900
Venmo – 516-967-6900
PayPal –
***As a courtesy – if planning to pay cash at the event. Please PAY upon arrival to the Social Commodores.

Don’t forget to bring your favorite pictures either email, drop box or bring a USB.

Of course fashionable yacht attire or something reminiscent of your memorable summer destination is always fun!

Can’t wait to see everyone!
