PLYC Holiday Party

PLYC Holiday Party 2022

The week before Christmas
And all through the town
Not a glass will be empty
No one wear a frown 

Don your ugliest sweater
Bring a gift to regift
We’ll eat, drink, and be merry
At the Fisherman’s Catch at 6

And what to our wondering eyes may appear?
But a sailor dressed like Santa and drinking a beer!
And he will remind all his PLYC friends
Remember, the Loop Bridge closes at 10!

Here are the details:
Friday, December 16th
Fisherman’s Catch
Ugly Sweater Contest
Holiday Gift Exchange Game- bring a gift you’ve received and want to RE-GIFT
This can be anything you have received as a gift and don’t want, or something (unused) from your home that you don’t want.  Make it serious or silly! 

See you there!


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