Course= 1&2, M-1, JI, M-1, 1&2
*M-1 & JI are rounded on vessels port side.
Agreed upon unanimously at the membership meeting of June 15, 2023
Parameters of the requirements:
Each boat will require a one-time calculation of the vessel’s Performance Handicap Racing Fleet value , to be calculated by ONE qualified third party selected by our race commodore. All PLYC competing boats will be required to have this certification.
The calculation is to be performed as soon as possible and will be valid without expiration. Subsequent modifications to the vessel, such as added anchor chain or folding props will be presented to the membership by the race commodore for adjustment to the vessel’s original cert.
Immediate action required: Selection of vendor to perform the calculations.
Upon completion of the vendor assignment each captain will purchase a cert for their vessel. Until which time the vendor is selected and certs completed, PHRF assignments will be selected from the New England racing association list based on the closest matching model.
The winds have changed direction yet again, we had to do some trimming and tweaking. The meeting will now be hosted by our beloved Bocklet family tonight at 129 Baldwin ave @ 7:30 pm tonight.
On Jun 15, 2023, at 7:47 AM, Point Lookout Yacht Club Commodore <commodoreplyc@gmail.com> wrote:
Good morning PLYC!Tonight’s meting will be at the pergola at the marina. My apologies for the last minute change. Unfortunately Ellen had a procedure done and is not feeling 100% yet, thus will not be able to host at her palce tonight.You everyone later today.LuvKat
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Ellen Kramer <ellenkramer9@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: PLYC Thursday June 15 Membership Meeting @ 7:30 pm
To: Point Lookout Yacht Club Commodore <commodoreplyc@gmail.com>Good Morning PLYC!I’m disappointed that I, unfortunately, need to postpone hosting the membership meeting for another month…I apparently was too aggressive in thinking I could pull it off today… a few side effects from yesterdays procedure will keep me down for another day …I believe the original plan for the meeting tonight was at theMarina PergolaWith a 7:30pm meeting start.Sorry for the last minute confusion.RegardsEllenSent from my iPhone
On Jun 14, 2023, at 7:56 PM, Point Lookout Yacht Club Commodore <commodoreplyc@gmail.com> wrote:
Ahoy PLYC!
Hope everyone had a great day today and stayed dry.Exciting news Past Commodore Ellen K. Graciously offered to host tomorrow evening PLYV Membership meeting in her beautiful backyard patio & garden located. Please join us at 7:30 pm, Thursday, June 15th at 329 East Penn St. Long Beach, NY.Seeking recruits to get there a little early and help in any capacity for our Super power Ellen is still a delicate soul that still healing.Enclosed is the agenda and the Final Revised Calendar. To avoid a similar calendar mishap kindly delete all previous calendars.FYI, it’s BYOB and snacks.Look forward to seeing everyone!Luv,KatPLYC Commodore
Ellen T. Kramer ~~ N _/) Y ~~
Commodore, Point Lookout Yacht Club
Point Lookout, New York
<PLYC June 15 Membership Agenda .pdf><PLYC Calendar 2023 revised.pdf>
Ellen T. Kramer ~~ N _/) Y ~~
Commodore, Point Lookout Yacht Club
Point Lookout, New York