PLYC Membership Meeting Thursday, June 15th @7:30 pm

Good evening PLYC!
What a wonderful start to the season, beautiful day of the blessing of
our precious fleet!  Beautiful brunch hosted by our dedicated Social
Commodore Elyn and crew. Followed by a great Founding Fathers Regatta.
Debuting Salacia’s first race!

Congratulations to Captains, it was a close race with taking turns
passing each other, neck and neck.  Perigee first across the finish
line.  Official winners:
First Place – Haleakala 2
Second Place – Pura Vida
Third Place – Perigee
Fourth Place – Salacia
Fifth Place – Waterfront Property

This week coming up we have the PLYC Membership meeting this Thursday,
July 15th 7:30 pm at the Pergola. Discussions to plan for the Flotilla
to Sore Thumb adventures and Toy Lending Center.

FYI, CPR and MOB events have been postpone.  New dates coming soon.

Finally, enclosed is the updated PLYC 2023 Calendar.  Important
notice, as per the last membership meeting a new race rule has been
established.  In order to qualify for the Commodore Cup Regatta,
Captains and their vessels must participate in 3 of the 4 trophy
races.  Kindly save the new race dates in order to avoid being
disqualified for the opportunity to WIN the Commodore Cup!

See everyone soon!


PLYC Commodore