Dark and Stormy Pot Luck

Ahoy Captains and Mates!

This Saturday is the Dark and Stormy Race! Look for racing details from our Race Commodore,  Bobby.
Afterwards, we are planning a Potluck Dinner under the Pergola.   Bring a dish to share, your own utensils, and your own drinks.  We will meet around 4ish.
Please wear your Dark and Stormy hat from previous years (the red one if possible) for a group photo op.  
John Bono will have shirts available for all who participate and all are enouraged to support our sponsor by purchasing a bottle of Goslings rum and a six pack of ginger beer for $35.00
Take lots of pics on your boats during the race with your crew in D&S attire.
See you on the water and at the marina!
⛵️ Elyn and Sasha ⛵️