PLYC Toy Lending Fundraiser Success!

PLYC held another successful LI Toy Lending Center for Children with Disabilities fundraiser!!! 
The event netted $6,500. Not too shabby!!
The baskets were plentiful and beautiful! The super prizes were grand! The Grand Prize Atlantis Bahamas trip was a spectacular grand prize!!

There are so many different spokes in the wheel to getting this event up off the ground and running. Thank you to all who solicited and / or donated items for the baskets. Our basket making evening went smoothly, a few hands go a long way!!! Thank you basket-makers!!! It is always fun to see how random things make such beautiful baskets.
I want to thank everyone who came down to work the event. Some worked the morning to get setup, some worked the hours of the event, and a special shout out to those who stayed the whole time from setup to take down!!! The event would not have been successful without your hard work. 

So, a final THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! PLYC always comes through.
Have a great weekend,

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