Dark & Stormy
PLYC Toy Lending Fundraiser Success!
PLYC held another successful LI Toy Lending Center for Children with Disabilities fundraiser!!!
The event netted $6,500. Not too shabby!!
The baskets were plentiful and beautiful! The super prizes were grand! The Grand Prize Atlantis Bahamas trip was a spectacular grand prize!!
There are so many different spokes in the wheel to getting this event up off the ground and running. Thank you to all who solicited and / or donated items for the baskets. Our basket making evening went smoothly, a few hands go a long way!!! Thank you basket-makers!!! It is always fun to see how random things make such beautiful baskets.
I want to thank everyone who came down to work the event. Some worked the morning to get setup, some worked the hours of the event, and a special shout out to those who stayed the whole time from setup to take down!!! The event would not have been successful without your hard work.
So, a final THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! PLYC always comes through.
Have a great weekend,
Dark & Stormy NOR
Dark and Stormy Pot Luck
Ahoy Captains and Mates!
This Saturday is the Dark and Stormy Race! Look for racing details from our Race Commodore, Bobby.
Afterwards, we are planning a Potluck Dinner under the Pergola. Bring a dish to share, your own utensils, and your own drinks. We will meet around 4ish.
Please wear your Dark and Stormy hat from previous years (the red one if possible) for a group photo op.
John Bono will have shirts available for all who participate and all are enouraged to support our sponsor by purchasing a bottle of Goslings rum and a six pack of ginger beer for $35.00
Take lots of pics on your boats during the race with your crew in D&S attire.
See you on the water and at the marina!
⛵️ Elyn and Sasha ⛵️