PLYC 2024 & 2025 Officer Nominations


September 3, 2023                                               

Ahoy PLYC Members! 

As per the PLYC By-Laws, election of executive board members is to take place every odd numbered year. This email is starting the process for nominations and elections for the years 2024 and 2025. 

The PLYC Executive Board consists of 7 members. The titles and duties as stated in the PLYC By-Laws are: 

Commodore: shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the PLYC, the Commodore shall preside at all meetings of the PLYC. He/She shall have the authority to sign and execute in the name of PLCY any and all instruments authorized by the Executive Board or the Membership. He/She have general management and direction of the business affairs of the PLYC and all the power ordinarily exercised by a president of a corporation. The Commodore shall rule on procedures, appoint all standing and special committees and shall call all meetings with the exception of the Annual Meeting. In the conduct of the office, the Commodore shall be responsible to the Executive Board and shall act at its direction. 

Vice Commodore: shall perform the duties of the Commodore in the absence of the Commodore. Other duties will be given by the Commodore and/or the Executive Board. 

Treasurer: shall deposit all funds, keep financial records, make necessary disbursements, make financial and tax reports as required of the PLYC. A financial report to the Membership will be given at the Annual Meeting and Executive Board meetings. 

Secretary: shall keep the minutes of the meetings, records of the PLCY and other duties at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board.  

Racing Commodore: shall be responsible for the promotion and development of racing activities. Other duties shall be at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board. 

Social Commodore (currently 2 Co-Commodores): shall be responsible for the development and promotion of social activities of the PLYC. Other duties shall be at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board.  

IT/Communications Executive: shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the PLYC web site. Making sure communications to members are properly posted on website.

As of 9/1/2023 this is the status of of offices for 2024 & 2025: 

Commodore – VACANT

Vice Commodore – Paul Sanpaolo will run for re-election.

Treasurer – John Bono will run for re-election.

Secretary – Jan Heinlein will run for re-election.

Social Commodore –

Elyn Coyle will run for re-election.

Sasha Todaro – undecided

Racing Commodore – Robert Todaro will run for re-election.

IT/Communication Executive – VACANT


Please note – all positions will be voted on in October. 

Any PLYC member in good standing may nominate another PLYC member in good standing for any of the PLYC Executive Board positions. The nomination must be submitted to the Secretary in writing via email. I will confirm with each nominee that they are willing to accept the nomination and be listed on the ballot. 

The nomination window runs from the date of this email and will close on September 30, 2023. Submit all nominations to 

Once the nominations are received, a ballot will be developed using a google form and sent out to the membership via email and posted on the PLYC web site for online voting. All ballot voting will be anonymous. 

If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Thank you.

Best regards,

Jan Heinlein

Secretary, PLYC