NOR Reach for the Rum

Dark & Stormy Saturday 7/27
Capts Meeting 11:00
First Warning 12:45
Race Start 13:00
Start Buoy 1&2
Round JI Starboard side to
Round ER Portside to
Round JI Port side to
Finish 1&2
Rhum Line Distance 17.15nm
Predicted Conditions:
5-15 knots wind Seas <2’

FI Inlet Recon:


Thanks to the Generosity of Kimball & CJ, Sasha & I were able to join them on a reconnaissance mission to Sore Thumb. Here are the results:

At approximately 11:00 AM yesterday 7/17/2024 (near Low Tide) We approached the 1&2 offshore North of the FI buoy. We proceeded through them and the 3&4 in Six foot rollers with a 3-4 second period. (Not for the faint of heart!). As we approached the 4A Red the bottom came up quickly!  We turned west then south and re-approached from about 100 yards west.  (Waypoint:40°37.6130N-73°19.9661W). This put us in good water. We continued N heading to the west of Overlook beach building heading perpendicular to the shore until the next two Reds along the beach lined up with each other. We then proceeded east keeping the reds and the shore equidistant. As we came upon the green 5 buoy we kept it on our starboard side (counter intuitive but excellent water). From there we aimed for the Red 10 buoy off in the distance to keep us off the rubble on the port side.  When the rock wall at Sore Thumb was lined up with the big house, we turned north keeping close to the rocks in 19’ of water so as not to get swept into the bar to the east. The lowest we saw in a trough was 8.5 on the depth sounder which is mounted 1 foot below the waterline. Any questions, CALL me.  

RC BobT 

Thank you Bob T for taking time to write this. This information is invaluable. I put it here for convenient future reference.

Stars & Stripes Results

Results for Stars & Stripes 2024
1-Perigee 1:54:12. 1:54:12
2-Legatto 2:03:26 2:01:17
3-Pura Vida 2:10:39 2:03:49
4-Haleakala2 2:07:09 2:04:38
5-Outward Bound. DNF
6-Salacia DNF

CONGRATULATIONS PERIGEE CREW -Line Honors coming & going. Nice Wheeling Kimball!

Thanks to all the crews for a great day!

NOR-Stars & Stripes

Race Instructions for Re-Scheduled Stars & Stripes Regatta
SUNDAY July 14, 2024

Captains meeting 11:00 Pergola
First warning 12:45
Race Start 13:00 Buoys 1&2
Race Format-Windward/Leeward Tanker Run (Tanker TBD @ Capt’s Mtg)
Finish Buoys 1&2
Course Distance TBD day of Race
Monitor VHF 16/72
Predicted Conditions:
S wind 7-15 knots
Seas 3.3’ 8 second period
Sky- Mostly Clear

glug glug glug


Well, today has started out with a bang. My phone fell overboard as I was getting off the boat this morning..of course I won’t have one for at least 5 days..if anyone has a spare T-Mobile phone that I can borrow. please text me..if my watch is doing it’s job I will receive your message..Have a great day