Race to the Horizon


Guten Morgen Mitglieder,

The “Race to the Horizon” will take place on Sunday, but the rules have been modified since last year.

This race allows the captains to choose their direction based on the best conditions for their vessel. The longest distance recorded two hours after the start will be the basis for scoring (snapshot of the GPS required). The trip home will be leisurely, providing time to just enjoy the sail, AND collect trash from the water.

Current rules: dependent upon the bearing chosen, the vessel must round the JI to start, starboard tack to the west, or port tack to the east. Two hours after start, a picture of the GPS is taken to determine distance from the JI.

New rule: each item rescued from the water will increase the boat’s PHRF by a percent of their base PHRF (tentatively 1%).

We hope to see everyone on Sunday.



Robert Feihel
Vice Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  