Good morning Sailors,
There are couple of changes that will be made to the schedule for the coming two months. 
Thursday’s evening cruise was postponed indefinitely for Perigee and Vaquita, due to an injury of the winner. If any other boat is schedule to go out with guests, please let me known and I will make plans to go out on Vaquita, as well. 
Secondly,  the Commodore Cup Regatta is being reschedule for Saturday Oct 5th, along with the pot luck dinner previously scheduled for the night before. 
The current plan will be to hold the race, preceded by naming ceremonies for all our new boats. 
The pot-luck will follow. The location is yet to be determined. 
I hope this works for everyone’s schedule. It should be a spectacular finish to the season. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  