Spirit Rider


I have been meaning to do this all week…

I want to give my thanks to Bobby Todaro our Race Commodore for coming up with the idea to continue the tradition with a scaled-down version of the annual regatta , and volunteering to manage the whole race himself. I also want to congratulate him on a first place win! Congratulations! Nice work!

I also want to thank Kat Xenos our Social Events Commodore for her work putting together the beautifully executed pizza/birthday party following the race. In addition, she made her first entry into the regatta with her new boat Dulcinea, and took second place in her division! Congratulations!

Thank you all for your participation, making the event a complete success!

Please be reminded to pass the word about TLC donations, we are getting close to our goal, but only have a few weeks left.

I will post information about the Commodore cup race in the coming days.

Finally, the PLYC apparel store is open. Several new items have been added. It’s worth checking out.

Be safe,
