Spirit Rider Regatta – Attention all skippers


Attention all Skippers:


Noreen needs two items:


  1. She needs a count, and sizes of your crews for tee shirts
  2. Some facts (or stories) about your racing and crew experiences


Please send me this information as soon as possible.


Also, take note the PLYC Apparel store is online. Access it through the main menu of the PLYC website.



Robert Feihel

Senior Manager


Regional Information Center

(516) 832-2725


Begin creating or performing at the level you intend to reach — don’t start as a “beginner.”

Theodore Roosevelt


Meeting tonight 7:00PM Fishermen’s Catch


Please join the Point Lookout Yacht Club members and executive team for a general membership meeting tonight at the Fishermen’s Catch in Point Lookout.


Topics for discussion:

·         TLC Fundraiser final tally

·         John Garrett Memorial Regatta

·         PHRF evaluation

·         Sore Thumb trip

·         Website and email communication

·         Any other new business members would like to address

We look forward to your attendance and participation.



Robert Feihel

Program Manage

Regional Information Center


“Make it happen”