Commodore’s Cup

No Captains Meeting
Check-in at Course @09:45
Race Start 10:00
North side 1&2 (Start/FinishLine)
Round JI to boats Starboard
Round ER to boats Port
Round JI to boats Port
Finish at 1&2
Monitor Channel 72
Race course length 17.15 n. miles
Low Tide @ Jones Inlet 16:00
Seas SE (predicted 3.9’/9sec)
Winds N10 G-16

All members are encouraged to Race!
RSVP boat name via text to BobT

Msg also sent via group text.

Memorial Sails 9/9-10

Greetings All.
This weekend sailing will be to honor the Memory of Barbara Bono on Saturday 9/10. The plan is to muster out at the JI Buoy on Saturday at 2:30 PM to Honor the life of our Friend, Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother. Flowers will be offered & words shared (ch 72).
All those interested in participating please meet at D dock at 1:00

Sunday 9/10 Spirit Rider:
The PLYC will muster in about 30’ of water just east of the Round house at 10:00 to organize a missing man formation to pass in front of the Ocean Club at 10:15
If you can fly a flag at half mast/halyard that would be appropriate.

Thank you,

Dark & Stormy

Dark & Stormy
Engines off 12:20
Start 12:30

1) Start 1&2
2)Go to Yellow Mark portside to +40°33.500
3)Round JI portside to
4)Round #1 portside to
5)Yellow mark portside to
6) JI Portside to
7)Finish between 1&2 approached from south

Dark & Stormy NOR

Capts Meeting 11:00am Sharp
Race Course TBD @ Meeting
Race Start 12:30

BYOB & BYOFood Pot Luck to follow at the Pergola 16:00

Stars & Stripes 2023

Note: The position of the windward mark M-1 is in the Note section. Start/Finish BETWEEN
Course= 1&2, M-1, JI, M-1, 1&2
*M-1 & JI are rounded on vessels port side.