Covid Cup Scores

I want to thank everyone who attended the race today for your participation. It’s exciting to see such a turn-out. I hope you all enjoyed it and took away a blessing that will protect you forever. 

Special thanks to Bob Todaro and Kat Xenos for  the well laid race course and the blessings of our vessels. 

Here are the results for race. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

It’s not over yet!


Ahoy members, 

We hope to see everyone tomorrow for the blessing of the fleet and our first race of the season, curiously named the “Covid” race.

I know that we love each other’s company and we miss the handshakes and hugs that make us feel the bonds of our club, but please let’s remind ourselves that our health is in each other’s hands.  Take the recommended precautions to insure everyone remains safe. Let’s look forward to all of us having long and happy lives together.

Please bring your own bubbly (or whatever you prefer). There will be no breakfast or other food available. The Blessing will begin at 11:00 AM. Preparation for the race will begin immediately following.

Good luck to all.



Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  



Season Schedule


Ahoy Members,

No matter what your feelings about the current events in this country, I believe it is time to heal, change and move on. In my mind our club, as well as our boats, should be a refuge from everyday life, and should play a bigger role in our lives than sickness and unrest.

It is time to get this season started, keeping in mind all our safety and concerns. With that, we posted the 2020 season schedule in the main menu of our website. Most regular annual events have been canceled, but in their place we encourage excursions in groups of vessels to local and distant destinations as fresh new adventures that will feed our conversations for years to come.

 This difficult year also brings with it concern for our adopted charity “The Toy Lending Center.” In place of the TLC event, I would like to propose a race sponsorship solution at two levels. First, any vendor, individual, or group is welcome to make a donation to the TLC and receive in return sponsorship recognition on our website (logo with link or phone to their business). Second, I would encourage members to solicit donations at some dollar amount per mile sailed, maybe for a race, or even the whole season. All donations are fully tax-deductible and 100% of the money goes to the charity. Should we have an entry or two in the ALIR, we could also do a sponsor per mile option.

I hope everyone is well. Let us do our best to remain disciplined about taking safety precautions to minimize risk.

Racing begins next Saturday. I am looking forward to the competition.

We are always open to new ideas and enhancements. Feel free to post your comments to this post, and if you have any difficulty logging in, contact me for help.



Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  


The ALIR appears to be on this year. I am sure the event will be a little restricted, but no doubt a fun challenge.
Is anyone interested in entering? 
How about a TLC fundraiser where we donate ten cents per mile for a club boat? 
Please send your responses to: If you post gets rejected for any reason, please contact me to get your email address registered. And, don’t forget to buy a hat! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Enter ALIR by this Date – late fees apply going forward

Monday July 20, 2020
Final entry deadline

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 1900 hours
1900 Hours – Captains’ Meeting – Liberty House, Liberty Landing Marina, Jersey City, N

Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 1300 hrs
Start of the 44th Around Long Island Regatta in spectacular New York Harbor!

Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 1400 hours
Awards Ceremony & Beach Party
Sea Cliff Yacht Club, Sea Cliff, NY

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

My Father used to say…

When he felt a little down in the dumps he would buy himself a new tie. Sometimes a brightly colored tie would do the trick to lift his spirits as he looked forward to wearing it, maybe even the next day. I used to have an English teacher who expressed the same feelings. Others I know would say a new hat would help. 
If a new hat would help, the PLYC apparel shop can help. Hats are now available in multiple colors, and at $5 off the original price. 
Enjoy and stay safe,

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Zoom call

Thank you Sasha and Bob for brining us together, and everyone taking time to join the call. Although, it makes me sad when I realize how much I miss everyone. 
Most importantly, as Jayne keeps reminding me, everyone is safe. Please be very careful. 

Love you all. Looking forward to seeing you in the sunshine, and on the water. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Spring Greeting


G’Day Mates,

I am sure you are all tired of getting notices from every online organization you have ever done business with about this corona virus; so I am only going to ask that you obey the rules for everyone’s safety and look forward to a happy ending to this in the coming months. 

In light of the fact that everything is going to be delayed, I will look forward to seeing you (from a distance) down at the boat yard as we prepare to get our boats in the water.  It will be a short time after we will be hoisting coronas instead of running from them.

Take some time now to brush-up on you boating safety knowledge. Collect all your equipment in preparation, and be ready to race and cruise when the sunshine hits.

Stay safe,




Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  