Final Event of the Season

Tomorrow we will meet for the final event of the season. The morning will start with the captains’ meeting at 11:00AM. The notice of race will be released later today. Conditions for tomorrow look perfect, 10 to 12 MPH winds with 4 ft swells, full high tide at 2:00PM. 
Following the race will be an awards  party at Kimball and CJ’s home in Point Lookout starting around 5:45PM. Please don’t forget your appetizers and desserts. We have more than 30 people attending.  
We are anticipating receiving the PLYC apparel order later today. Those items will be available tomorrow for distribution. 

The season may be ending, but the planning for next year is just beginning. Over the fall and winter, we will continue to meet to plan for club-sponsored competitions in other club’s events, in our area (e.g. ALIR, Nitzan’s race to Montauk). In addition, we would like to organize some workshops for captain’s licensing and equipment training. 
A schedule will be published on our website in the coming weeks. 

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. If you have not registered your vessel for the race tomorrow, please send me an email or a text. 

Thank you. 
See you tomorrow. 

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Commodore Cup Regatta and Awards Party

Here is the guest list for the party on Saturday. This party will be catered, so if you don’t see your name on the list please let me know immediately. Appetizers and desserts are not included. So, please bring your favorite for sharing.  I have only heard from a few skippers. If you intend to race, please let me know so I can assemble a scratch sheet. I will checking on the availability in a few minutes. If everything is ready, we will distribute it at the party. 

Bob & Sasha – 2

CJ & Kimball – 2

Frank & Madelyn – 2

Jan – 1

John & Pat -2

John & Barbara – 2

Kat – 1

Mary Ann & 3 guests – 4

Rob & Jayne – 2

Tom & Cathy – 2

Charlie & Carol – 2

Myles Cunningham -1

Mike McPhillips & Karin -2

Thank you for your prompt replies.


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Meeting tonight

Good morning Members,

Tonight is our monthly meeting at the Fisherman’s Catch. All are welcome. 

The agenda for tonight:

  • Commodore Cup Regatta and Party
  • PLYC apparel store review
  • Ideas and plans for winter activities
    • Educational information
    • Captain’s licensing
    • planning for next season
  • Planning – Inter-club racing – invitational regatta
  • New business suggestions

I look forward to seeing everyone. 
Start time is 7:30 in the right-side dinning room.



Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Oct 5th

G’Day Mates,
On Oct 5th we will hold the annual Commodore Cup Regatta. It will be followed by the final season awards party at Kimball and CJ’s house in Point Lookout. 
The club will provide main courses for the party, and members will be asked to contribute either an appetizer or a dessert. 
Participation in the event requires registration: No registration- No Trophy! No exceptions!
Registrations must include the number of people attending the awards party and the appetizer or dessert you plan to bring. 
Odds and Evens… if your birthday falls on a odd day, bring an appetizer. If is falls on an even day, bring a dessert. 
The PLYC apparel stored closes on Wednesday, this week, and will not reopen until November. 
The garments will be available and delivered at the awards party. Be sure to place your orders if want them for the party.  
Have a great day. I hope to see everyone there. 
Robert Feihel

Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Begin creating or performing at the level you intend to reach — don’t start as a “beginner.”
Theodore Roosevelt




5 Days left…

to order PLYC apparel. Golf shirts now come with boat names on the sleeve. If you ordered one before the option was available you can call to get your order updated. 
All orders will be delivered with Gold Shoelaces. :^)
Please update your calendars for the Commodore Cup Regatta on Oct 5th. The race will be followed by a party at Kimball and CJ’s house, who graciously volunteered to host. 
I will send more information about what to bring in the coming days.
Have a great day!


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  






Good morning Sailors,
There are couple of changes that will be made to the schedule for the coming two months. 
Thursday’s evening cruise was postponed indefinitely for Perigee and Vaquita, due to an injury of the winner. If any other boat is schedule to go out with guests, please let me known and I will make plans to go out on Vaquita, as well. 
Secondly,  the Commodore Cup Regatta is being reschedule for Saturday Oct 5th, along with the pot luck dinner previously scheduled for the night before. 
The current plan will be to hold the race, preceded by naming ceremonies for all our new boats. 
The pot-luck will follow. The location is yet to be determined. 
I hope this works for everyone’s schedule. It should be a spectacular finish to the season. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  






The PLYC apparel page has been changed to allow golf shirts to include a boat name on the sleeve (horizontal).

if you ordered a golf shirt and want to add your boat name call the store and they will adjust your order. 

Keep in mind there are only 8 days left to place your orders until the store closes until November. 



Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  