Hello PLYC,
It’s with great sadness that I am sending the news that CJ’s beautiful mother Connie Bocklet passed away surrounded by the love her wonderful family.
Services will be held at Clark’s Funeral Home in Katonah NY, Thursday 6/17/21 from 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm.
Her funeral Mass will be at St. Mary’s in Katonah on Friday 6/18/21 at 10 am.
The celebrate her life will be at the Hersey residence at 232 Mead St in Waccabuc at 1pm on Friday.
May Connie Bocklet rest in peace.
Ahoy PLYC!
Exciting times ahead! Tomorrow is our annual Dog Days of Summer Regatta! Race Commodore Bobby T will be sending out details shortly. A show off hands who will be joining us for tomorrow’s race!
The Race will start at 13:00 at the 1&2. Go for 2 hours in any direction at each boat captains discretion & then take a screen shot at 15:00 with Lat & Lon. The winner will be calculated based on distance travel with a factor for each boats handicap.
Also as a friendly reminder the TLC Membership Meeting will be this Friday June 18th, 2021 at 7:30 pm, meeting place and details will be sent out next week.
Due to some tech issues with the previous calendar and email updates, for everyone‘s convenience the PLYC Calendar has been attached to this email. If you happen to know someone who wants to receive our emails and isn’t. Please have them get in touch with me directly to be added to the contact list.
Thank you so very much for all your patience and support.
Wishing everyone great sailing and racing this weekend!
Stay safe!
Luv Kat
Hello PLYC,
We seem to be having some tech email issues from the website and via email communications. Emails sent haven’t be received. As well as some calendar issues too.
Also due to the weather, the Monthly member meeting is cancelled. We will be sending out an updated easy to read formatted calendar soon with a rescheduled meeting date.
My apologies for the confusion.
Begin forwarded message:
From: ALIR Committee <alir@seacliffyc.org>
Date: April 15, 2021 at 3:27:44 PM EDT
To: xenos10@msn.com
Subject: ALIR REGATTA 2021 – Register Now!
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ALIR REGATTA 2021 – Register Now!
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Topic: PLYC Pre-Season Happy Hour get together
Time: Apr 15, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Can’t wait to see ya!!!
Dear Point Lookout Yacht Club Members,
Spring 2021 is here and I am pleased to have the opportunity to serve as the new Commodore for the Point Lookout Yacht Club. I cannot express how humbled and how it’s such a great honor to be the new Commodore! Please also give a very big welcome to our new Vice Commodore Paul SanPaolo and two beautiful Co-Social Commodores Sasha Todaro and Elyn Coyle. Also want thank Jan Heinlein, John Bono and Bobby Todaro for the exceptional work they have done and truly appreciate their continued support.
I also want to give very special thanks and appreciation to Past Commodores and Exec Members that I had the privilege to work with. MaryAnn McCruden, Ellen Kramer, Peggy Hoffman and Rob Feihel.
As Commodore we will continue the legacy of Peter J. Gerlett as he so eloquently stated that “We, of the Point Lookout Yacht Club, share a common love of the sea, the art of sailing and the joys of comradeship that bond us in mutual respect and purpose.
We are pledged to promote the skills of seamanship, respect for our fellow sailors, respect for our sea and all its creatures, love of our country and its values, and the rights of all to share in its natural bounty and beauty.”
We have survived and prevailed during the most challenging times, we made the best of 2020 and now are forward bound to another wonderful 2021 season. Although we remain diligent in safety first with social distancing, with ever changing limitations & restrictions on social gatherings. We will tack and trim as we go to continue to make every moment as Incredible as the last. PLYC has remained positive and resilient together.
Always know that as your Commodore, I pledge to fully support every PLYC member and the community. I am open to listen, help and support any ideas, suggestions and conversation that can make things better no matter how big or small. Everyone is welcome to call, text, email or come aboard my Dulcinea.
We look forward to seeing all of you soon within the coming weeks, whether it be in person, virtual or on the water. Keep an eye out on the PLYC membership form and club’s calendar for the new upcoming events for 2021.
Although we may be faced with challenges along the way, we will strive to do our very best to make this another fun and successful year.
I wish everyone a rewarding and memorable summer sailing season!
Katerina Xenos, Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club
Topic: Katerina Xenos’ Personal Meeting Room
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Ahoy Captains, Noreen and Gary!
Tis that special time of year where we come together to join Noreen and the O’keefe Foundation fundraiser for the Grand Spirit Rider Regatta!
This year due to covid, this wonderful weekend of event has been scaled down in respect to social distancing.
Please join us for an impromptu unofficial Captains Meeting at the docks/pergola of the PLYC’s East Marina 1501 Lido blvd, Point Lookout NY 11569 this Friday September 11, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
2020 Annual Spirit Rider race to be held Saturday September 12, 2020 with a 1:00 pm start.
Post race gathering at the PLYC Pergola East Marina for Pizza and BYOB.
Sunday 911 Memorial Mass dedicated to the Front Line Covid 19 Responders followed by Brunch and awards.
IThe Captains Meeting is a ca social distancing gathering with BYOB and munchies, to discuss race information, past Spirit Rider regattas, whales sightings and so much more.
Please RSVP if you will be joining the Pizza Party afterwards, I will need a head count. Done wanna short anyone a slice. Shoot me a text 917.444.0402 or reply to me only. In
Exciting times, enjoy some pics from last weekend fun chasing whales!
Ahoy PLYC Captains, First Mates, Crew family and friends!
As the summer comes to and end, the days get chillier and we cherish every last moment we get to sail. Grateful that we did get to sail this summer with all the madness happening in the world today!
We saved the very best race for last this year PLYC 2020 Commodore Cup Regatta. Race Commodore Bobby T will be following up with the race information later this week.
This year our gracious party host SPECTACULAR Kimball and CJ are once again opening their beautiful home to the PLYC Family to end the bittersweet season.
I need a definite show of hands who will attending with total guest count. This will be a catered event. It will be BYOB and desserts are always welcome!
Please RSVP with boat participation or crew, total guests in your paaahhhrty and if you’re bringing anything sweet. Kindly replying to this email or shoot me a quick text 917.444.0402.
Luv ya! Can’t wait to see ya… on the water or land!