PLYC End of Season Party Sunday October 16th, 2022

Ahoy PLYC!
Hope everyone is enjoying the last days of warm weather.

We are blessed to be celebrating 2022 PLYC End of Season Party in the magical garden of the Bocklet Castle this Sunday, October 16th at 5:00 pm.

Kimball and CJ our gracious hosts, always ensure a beautiful and memorable end to our summer!
Social Commodores, Elyn and Sasha have been working diligently in creating the perfectly delicious buffet menu selections.
Race Commodore Bobby and Vice Commodore Paul are excited to announce that the famous “PLYC Gutter Races” are full on!

Trophies will not be given on Sunday, they will be given out next year.

Friendly reminder that this is a BYOB event!
…The Kalfa’s have generously volunteered to bringing JELLO-SHOTS!

The PLYC Exec Dream Team Committee works really hard throughout the year to make all this fun events happen. We want them to have fun too!
Everyone is always welcome to all PLYC events. Respectfully, I ask for whomever has not paid membership dues or is not a member, in order to cover the extra expenses, kindly pay $30 per person to attend preferably electronically.
Zelle – 516-967-6900
Venmo – 516-967-6900
PayPal –
***As a courtesy – if planning to pay cash at the event. Please PAY upon arrival to the Social Commodores.

Don’t forget to bring your favorite pictures either email, drop box or bring a USB.

Of course fashionable yacht attire or something reminiscent of your memorable summer destination is always fun!

Can’t wait to see everyone!


Memorial sail Sunday for Barbara Bono

Good morning PLYC,
Please join us on Sunday October 9, 2022 for a sail in memory of Barbara Bono. She loved the water and came sailing every time she could as long as she didn’t have granddaughter or cat duties.

Barbara was one of our oldest member of PLYC family. She was beautiful and certainly a force of life. I remember when I first came to PLYC sailing on the Why Not Chazz boat, the boat next door and met the Barbara and John. They were so warm and welcoming. Years later, I came back and started and sailing on Madysuelyn, coincidentally the boat next door. I was again genuinely welcomed. Over the years, we shared so much laughter. Even when we spoke of the harsh realities of life, we always ended up in laughter. I admired her for she was a wise woman and said it like it was. I even questioned her once and learnt the hard way how right she was. We laughed really hard about that too. One of my many favorite Barbara moments was when she would always tell me, “Kat, your always welcome on MY boat!”

To celebrate Barbara, we will be providing purple flowers for all the boats that will be accompanying the sail to say our final farewell at sea. Let us toast to her life with your favorite Barbara moments.

Vice Commodore Bobby will be providing more information to what time we leave the dock Sunday eve.

Hope everyone can make it. See you soon.



Spicy Membership Meeting & Commodore Cup Regatta and BBQ

Ahoy PLYC!

We have an exciting weekend coming up! Starting with our Memership Meeting this Friday at 7:00 pm in our lovely Pergola. Meeting starts sharp and and would like to keep it quick because we have a special guest! Featuring Mende Champagne who will be teaching us how to salsa and merengue dancing! So for those who still have some left over tequila from the raft up. Great opportunity to serve it up to spice things up! Or if Latin cooking is your passion, bring some fare to share as well. Meeting agenda will be sent out this week, please keep a lookout for it.

Saturday we are having the Annual Commodore’s Cup Regatta followed by the traditional BBQ at the pergola. Serving up Burgers and hot dogs off the grill!
We may need some volunteers for a BBQ and grill persons! Please reach out to the Social Commodores, Vice Commodore or me. Bobby T, Race Commodore will be sending out Regatta details on the eve.

Please reply back to this email to RSVP. We need to know how many guests will attend the BBQ so we can plan accordingly…don’t want to run out of food. For non-member guests there will be a $10 fee.

Captains please confirm Commodore Cup Regatta participation as well.

Look forward to a fabulous weekend.


PLYC Commodore

Moonlight Cruise and the WELNER Tanker regatta

Good morning PLYC!
Absolutely we can provision another giant bottle of Bubbles for the beautiful ladies of the Krazy Kayak race. Thank you Rob for running the race it was another great success! Special thank you to the judges Peggy & Jayne for finalizing the winners. I would also like to add a new catagory with an additional bottle of bubbly for the most Kayak flips/dunks in the water. This years winner JC! With a few spectacular flips with the last one around the mark! LoL

Friendly reminder, this week we have Wednesday night Moonlight cruise and Saturday we have a new race the
Classic Welner Tanker Regatta!

The bubbly will be served at the dock Saturday! Have a fabulous week!


Dog Days Regatta and Krazy Kayak race Switcheroooo!

Hello PLYC!
Hope everyone is staying cool today!
Due to the predicted rain this weekend we are switching the day of the events.
We will be hosting the Krazy Kayak race this Saturday August 6 and the Dog Days Regatta on Sunday August 7.
The Race Commodore Bobby T, Vice Commodore Pau and the Past Commodore Rob are working diligently to come up with great race courses. Details will be sent out on the PLYC website by Friday. Stay tuned.

PLYC Captains kindly confirm participation to the events! Our races have been so limited, hopefully everyone can make it.

We greatly appreciate your patience with the last minute changes!

PLYC Commodore

TLC fundraiser with Pampered Chef

Hi PLYC!!!
The additional TLC fundraiser comes to an end on Friday, August 7th. Here are two links to the Pampered Chef party site for this fundraiser. Please take a look, there is something for everyone in the catalog. TLC will receive 15 – 20% of all sales. Ordering is online and items ship directly to you, and you do not have to “deal” with the PC consultant on a one to one basis.
Thank you and have a great day!!!

Dog Days of Summer Regatta and Krazy Kayak Sat & Sun

Hello PLYC!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

We are proud to announce that Neil Parker won yet again in the ALIR. This year he crewed on a beautiful Hencley h-38 named Spectra. They won 2nd place in Division 1 non-spinnaker. Congratulations to the team.

Tracking them on Kattak was fun.

Friendly reminder that this weekend… weather permitting of course.

On Saturday we have the Dog Days Regatta race details will be sent the day before by Race Commodore Bobby T!

Sunday we have rescheduled the Krazy Kayak race, set up time 10:00am for all brining kayaks and start time at 11:00am. Followed by Champagne celebration!

Kindly Reply back to this email if you are participating in both or in one or the other please. Thank you.

Have a great week and see you at the dock!
