PLYC Holiday Party

PLYC Holiday Party 2022

The week before Christmas
And all through the town
Not a glass will be empty
No one wear a frown 

Don your ugliest sweater
Bring a gift to regift
We’ll eat, drink, and be merry
At the Fisherman’s Catch at 6

And what to our wondering eyes may appear?
But a sailor dressed like Santa and drinking a beer!
And he will remind all his PLYC friends
Remember, the Loop Bridge closes at 10!

Here are the details:
Friday, December 16th
Fisherman’s Catch
Ugly Sweater Contest
Holiday Gift Exchange Game- bring a gift you’ve received and want to RE-GIFT
This can be anything you have received as a gift and don’t want, or something (unused) from your home that you don’t want.  Make it serious or silly! 

See you there!


Kayak Races

Ahoy Kayakers,

Thank you for your participation, and thank you Peggy and Jayne for calculating all the times. I really didn’t mean to drop that in your laps, but you did a great job, which is why I am writing the message. 

I realized I changed the scoring procedure this year without regard to biology (am not going any further with this description). Last year each team consisted of one man and one women to help insure fairness, and even that could have been better by adding the times together, but that was last year. 

This year I get to rectify the situation by establishing a women’s division post event.
I am going to ask the Commodore to provide another magnum of champagne to be shared by the winners.  

The Women’s Division order of finish is:

Lynn 1.08  First Place
Cindy 1.13 Second Place
Mary Ann   1.18 Third Place
Pat 1.19
Jody 1.23
Colleen  1.27

Congratulations to our winners! 
Thank you all for your participation. 


Robert Feihel
Past Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Holiday Wishes




I would like to wish everyone very Happy Passover and Easter celebrations. We are very much looking forward to seeing you face-to-face in the coming weeks and enjoying this sailing season together.

There is a not so well kept secret that Jayne and I decided to make one more purchase in our sailing careers. We hope to close on a Jeanneau DS in the coming weeks. The name will remain a secret until we have an official naming party, however.

With this purchase comes the sale of our loved Vaquita. She is listed with Coney’s Marine, and if anyone knows of someone looking for a great cruiser she is all ready for the water. Any, somewhat reasonable offer will likely be accepted.

Finally, Jayne and I are headed for Nickerson Beach to see if we can see the new buoy positions. It is going to be a scary new adventure making our way in and out Jones Inlet this year.  I am sure that if we share our experiences we will get everyone through safely.

Best Wishes,


Robert Feihel
Past Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Fwd: News release: Army Corps to host virtual public meetings on Nassau County Back Bays Study on Sept. 29, Oct. 6

Please read and join to initiate dredging of Jones Inlet

From: “Flickinger, Robert M CWO-3 USCG (USA)” <>
Date: September 28, 2021 at 9:46:40 AM EDT
Cc: “Beaudoin, Thomas D CPO USCG ANT MORICHES (USA)” <>, “Hope, Natasha C LT USCG (USA)” <>
Subject: News release: Army Corps to host virtual public meetings on Nassau County Back Bays Study on Sept. 29, Oct. 6

Good morning Mr. Kalfa, as discussed please see information in regards to virtual public meeting below. We are aware of the concerns of the shoaling and dangers that exist within Jones Inlet. I will pass your concerns up to the District Waterways Management. 
BOSN Bob Flickinger
Sector LIS, ATON Officer
New Haven, CT 06512
O – 203-468-4454
C – 410-302-5787
From: Philadelphia District Public Affairs-NAP <> 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 10:19 AM
Subject: News release: Army Corps to host virtual public meetings on Nassau County Back Bays Study on Sept. 29, Oct. 6
Good Morning,
The. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers posted the below news release today:
Army Corps to host virtual public meetings on Nassau County Back Bays Study on Sept. 29, Oct. 6

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting virtual public meetings on the Nassau County Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study on Sept 29 and Oct 6. Meeting details are as follows:

  • September 29 from 6:00-7:30 p.m.
§  Meeting number: 1996 79 6456
§  Meeting password: eaNdXVg@333
§  Join by phone: 1-844-800-2712
§  Phone access code: 1996 79 6456
  • October 6 from 1:00-2:30 p.m.
§  Meeting number: 1993 22 4225
§  Meeting password: DRsaUyp*974
§  Join by Phone: 1-844-800-2712
§  Phone Access code: 1993 22 4225

In August, USACE release a draft report for the study. The report that outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan’ framework, which includes the elevation of more than 14,000 structures to reduce the risk of flood damages associated with storm surge. It’s important to note that the plan is subject to change. It has not yet been approved by higher authorities, including Congress, and has not been funded for implementation at the federal or state level.   

The Army Corps, in partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Nassau County, is conducting the feasibility study within the Nassau County Back Bays area.  The study area includes all the tidally influenced bays and estuaries hydraulically connected to the south shore of Nassau County on the Atlantic Ocean.  The objective of the study is to investigate problems and solutions to reduce damages from coastal storm-related flooding that affects population, critical infrastructure, critical facilities, property, and ecosystems.

The study team prepared the draft Report to present findings, technical analyses, and outline a Tentatively Selected Plan. The document describes engineering, economic, social, and environmental analyses. The Tentatively Selected Plan includes the following conceptual features:

  • Elevation of approximately 14,183 residential structures
  • Dry flood proofing of approximately 2,667 industrial/commercial (non-residential) structures from the ground surface up to 3 feet above ground. Dry flood proofing involves sealing all areas from the ground level up to approximately 3 feet of a structure.  Dry flood proofing measures help make walls, doors, windows, and other openings resistant to penetration by storm surge waters.
  • Additionally, the study team is continuing to evaluate natural and nature-based features as well as potential localized floodwalls to protect critical infrastructure (such as power stations and wastewater treatment plants) to help communities recover faster and improve resilience.

USACE evaluated other flood risk management measures during the study, including storm surge barriers, cross bay barriers, floodwalls, and natural and nature-based features. Hydraulic modeling indicated that storm surge barriers and cross-bay barriers did not significantly reduce water levels and, in some cases, exacerbated flooding in certain areas. Modeling also showed the study area could experience $1 billion in average annual flood damages from 2030 to 2080 with no federal project in place.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the public, agencies, and stakeholders are invited to provide comments by October 18, 2021.

  • Submit comments by
  • Submit comments by mail: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning Division, Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square E. Philadelphia PA 19107
** If you no longer wish to receive notifications related to the Nassau County Back Bays Study, please notify us at PDPA-NAP@USACE.ARMY.MIL**

Robert Feihel
Past Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  