Sadly Extreme Healing, Waterfront Property and Dulcinea had some engine starting issues and stayed dockside. Hopefully we’ll make up for it next year.
Next up, we have scheduled is the Strawberry Full Moon Sunset Cruise. Perfect conditions, a sunny pleasant day of 75 degrees with high tide at 8:05 pm and sunset at 8:30 pm. Great opportunity to get in a nice sail, watch the sunset, sail back with a gorgeous full moon and finish off Thirsty Thursdays with docktails.
Saturday, we have the fun and exciting Stars & Stripes Regatta followed by our beloved Point Lookout Fireworks that we enjoy watching from our decks. Get your festive Red, White and Blue attire ready and fire up the BBQ’s!
Please raise your hands by replying or texting me directly if you’ll be joining for either the Strawberry Full Moon Cruise and/or the Stars & Stripes Regatta!
Next Weekend is the first Flotilla of the season to the Atlantic Highlands with 7 boats setting sail!!! Starting to cast off as off Thursday July 1 are; LeGato, Waterfront Property, Vaquita, Rosso Di Sera, Outward Bound, Windancer and guess who’s back? Perigee will also be joining too!
Finally, in the lead with balloon catching is Rosso Di Sera with a total of 41 balloons! Everyone is doing an incredible job fishing them out of our precious ocean!
I can’t tell you how much fun it is receiving all the fun balloon conquerer’s pictures.