Regatta Results: Stars & Stripes
Sunday Dolphin Watch
Watch this!
Solstice Raft-up

Founding Father’s Regatta – Results
How to Post – Easy as 1-2-3
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Second rule: Always send your emails to Please be sure to include a signature so people know who left the post should they not see the alert. The alert contains the author.
Third rule: You can leave comments on the post by clicking on the header and scrolling down to the comments box. You must be logged in to leave comments on individual posts. However, I recommend using the second rule and just reply to the notification,
Look below for our Race Commodore’s post.
Have fun!
Hope to see everyone tomorrow,
The Race is On!
Sunday is shaping up to be a nice day. Winds should be kicking up and the sun will be shining with a few clouds.
It will be a great day to start the season with our first official race. The current plan is to “Bless the Fleet” and have bagels, and coffee at the captain’s meeting.
The race departure time is dictated by the tides. Our Race Commodore will provide an NOR with race start time, which may mean leaving early. As soon as we know the start time, we will set a time for the blessing and captain’s meeting.
We need everyone who plans to race to send an email to: Put your name in the subject and just send the message “yes.”
See you on Sunday!
Member Meeting Agenda – June 6
Tribute to John J. Garrett III