Ahoy PLYC!
We have an exciting weekend coming up! Starting with our Memership Meeting this Friday at 7:00 pm in our lovely Pergola. Meeting starts sharp and and would like to keep it quick because we have a special guest! Featuring Mende Champagne who will be teaching us how to salsa and merengue dancing! So for those who still have some left over tequila from the raft up. Great opportunity to serve it up to spice things up! Or if Latin cooking is your passion, bring some fare to share as well. Meeting agenda will be sent out this week, please keep a lookout for it.
Saturday we are having the Annual Commodore’s Cup Regatta followed by the traditional BBQ at the pergola. Serving up Burgers and hot dogs off the grill!
We may need some volunteers for a BBQ and grill persons! Please reach out to the Social Commodores, Vice Commodore or me. Bobby T, Race Commodore will be sending out Regatta details on the eve.
Please reply back to this email to RSVP. We need to know how many guests will attend the BBQ so we can plan accordingly…don’t want to run out of food. For non-member guests there will be a $10 fee.
Captains please confirm Commodore Cup Regatta participation as well.
Look forward to a fabulous weekend.
PLYC Commodore