Mary Ann ~/)~
Kickoff Party Deadline
Zelle – 516-967-6900
Venmo – 516-967-6900
MAIL Check to: Point Lookout Yacht Club, PO BOX 2042, PTLO 11569
RSVP by May 10, 2022 – $100 per guest
After MAY 10, 2022 – $110 per guest
For more information contact PYLC Special Event Rear Commodores
Elyn Coyle –
Sasha Todaro –
POINT LOOKOUT YACHT CLUB 2022 Annual Kickoff Party
Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
7:00 PM
Gatsby on the Ocean
2000 Ocean Parkway, Wantagh, NY 11793
Friendly reminder PLYC 2022 Annual Kickoff Party Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
POINT LOOKOUT YACHT CLUB 2022 Annual Kickoff Party
2000 Ocean Parkway, Wantagh, NY 11793

Boat US Publication from their April 28th Newsletter..
NY–Nav Aid Changes, Jones Inlet, Shoaling:
The U.S. Coast Guard will be making the following changes to Jones Inlet on or after 11 April 2022:
Jones Inlet is experiencing severe shoaling in the inlet west of the breakwater. The normal navigational channel has been rendered unusable. The Coast Guard has surveyed the area and determined that the current best water is available to the north, roughly parallel along the direction of the beach. The Coast Guard will remark best water until dredging of the Inlet can be completed as follows (also see picture below):
On or about 11 April 2022, weather and operations permitting the following changes in Jones inlet will take place;
Relocate Jones Inlet Entrance LB 1 (LLNR 30905) to position approximate
40 33’ 58.860”N 073 36’ 07.800”W
Relocate Jones Inlet Entrance LB 2 (LLNR 30910) to position approximate 40 33’ 58.860”N 073 35’ 59.760”W
Relocate Jones Inlet LB 4 (LLNR 30925) to position approximate 40 34’ 40.800”N 073 35’ 59.760”W
Establish Jones Inlet Buoy 4A (LLNR 30927) in position approximate 40 34’ 40.800”N 073 35’ 13.200”W
Disestablish Jones Inlet Lighted Buoy 5 (LLNR 30930) from position approximate 40 34’ 40”.704N 073 35’ 01”.938W
On or about 1 June 2022, weather and operations permitting the following changes in Jones inlet will take place;
Change dayboards on Jones Inlet Light (LLNR 30890) to Black and White non-lateral.
Relocate Jones Inlet Entrance LWB JI (LLNR 30900) to position approximate 40 33’ 37.400”N 073 36’ 02.920”W
Relocate Jones Inlet buoy 3 (LLNR 30920) to position approximate 40 34’45.840”N 073 36’ 07.800”W
Interested Mariners who would like to learn more about this plan are strongly encouraged to comment on in writing, either personally or through their organization. In order to most effectively understand your feedback and improve data collection, when responding PLEASE INCLUDE size and type of vessel, recreational or commercial, if and how you use the signal in your e-mail, and distance from aid at which you start looking for it. Refer to Project No. 01-22-004. E-mail can be sent to: . (First District LNM Week 12/2022)
Dezi First Season Balloons!
April 22nd Buoy bar
PLYC 2022 Summer Season
Happy New 2022 Sailing Season! Hope everyone is safe and looking forward to a more “normal” summer. Hopeful that the worst of Covid is behind us, yet we still have to be mindful of safety first.
As the weather slowly gets warmer and a few boats have snuck into our lonely marina, with Legato leading in the first ship to home port. Followed by Haleakala 1 and my Dulcinea. It was nice to count three masts in the sky. Can’t wait for everyone else to come home.
Very exciting news! Congratulations are in order as we will be welcoming Jayne and Rob with their beautiful new Jeanneau to PLYC the fleet!
We will be faced with challenges this season with the Inlet and Marina depths and lack of dredging. Race Commodore Bobby has been working diligently on charting a map on where and how to get out of the inlet. We also have planned all the races around the tides and when the tides aren’t in our favor for a race. We focused on flotillas to destinations.
I would like to mention a special Thank You to John Kalfa who has been dedicated to the Inlet cause and working behind the scenes motivating everyone to get involved in making calls and sending letters to local government officials.
The beautiful Social Commodores have been busy working on this Season’s Kickoff Party. The theme this year is Cruise to Nowhere. When we aren’t sailing, we have fun events planned. Monthly Member meetings will be theme based. Such as a international culinary boat to boat pot luck. Pergola Salsa dancing with Mendy as our instructor. A movie night and Wednesday night Dingy Races. Doing what we do best “Docktails” especially for Thirsty Thursday’s.
The Ocean Balloon Clean up was such a great success with so many great pictures. That it is on for this year. Who will challenge last years winners Jeremy and Glo?
We kindly ask that for the PLYC Annual Kickoff Party, it is extremely important to please RSVP so we can plan and accommodate appropriately. The deadline to RSVP is April 10 – $100 per person and after it goes up to $110 per person. If you haven’t done so already, Membership dues are due as well. Both can be easily paid via Venmo or Zelle.
Greatly appreciate Jan and Johnny B that keep on supporting us behind the scenes in making it all come together.
For your convenience, enclosed is the Membership form and the 2022 Calendar. Please save the dates for all upcoming events.
Looking forward to another fabulous Summer Sailing Season!
See you soon!
Commodore Katerina Xenos
can’t reply
Holiday Wishes
I would like to wish everyone very Happy Passover and Easter celebrations. We are very much looking forward to seeing you face-to-face in the coming weeks and enjoying this sailing season together.
There is a not so well kept secret that Jayne and I decided to make one more purchase in our sailing careers. We hope to close on a Jeanneau DS in the coming weeks. The name will remain a secret until we have an official naming party, however.
With this purchase comes the sale of our loved Vaquita. She is listed with Coney’s Marine, and if anyone knows of someone looking for a great cruiser she is all ready for the water. Any, somewhat reasonable offer will likely be accepted.
Finally, Jayne and I are headed for Nickerson Beach to see if we can see the new buoy positions. It is going to be a scary new adventure making our way in and out Jones Inlet this year. I am sure that if we share our experiences we will get everyone through safely.
Best Wishes,