Congratulations Hank and Alex!!! Heineken St. Maarten Regatta


Ahoy PLYC!
Please join me in congratulating Alex and Hank, the owner of a beautiful 48ft Swan named Avoacation.  They came in first for the Island Time Division in the annual Heineken St. Maarten Regatta!

It was a brutally challenging race with winds so strong 2 boats got demasted!  Great job to the Avocation team!

Starting off the PLYC 2022 sailing season with a win from our newest member Alex Hummel.

Congratulations again and safe travels home!

Katerina Xenos

PLYC Commodore

Open House at NSYC


You’re Invited! …for an Open House at North Shore Yacht Club (NSYC), Sunday, March 6th (2 to 5PM) …73 Orchard Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY.


Despite the pandemic, our Cruising, Racing, Boat Share, Junior Sailing, Social and Education programs are already staged for 2022 success as we celebrate our 152nd season.  Covid:   We comply with the latest Covid-19 Protocol    


As always, “You’re invited.”


RSVP’s are appreciated:  To Mary Lu Dempsey at mludempsey@msn.com516-767-1760.


Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Mary Lu



Mary Ann ~/)~

🎄🎁⛵ PLYC Holiday Gathering 🎄🎁⛵

Happy December Dearest Point Lookout Yacht Club Family, 
As the sun sets and it get’s dark way too early each day, with the quiet loneliness at the marina with all the empty slips, without a mast in sight.  As we wait for the temperature that will start to bring us snow instead of rain.  

I wanted to first wish you and your families the Happiest Healthiest and Safe Holiday Season!
With all the uncertainty at the beginning of the summer season, we managed to have yet another wonderful summer season with great flotillas and fun races. Mother nature was little mean forcing us to cancel a couple of races.  It only means we must make up for them next year and have even more fun with more races!

You will be receiving an evite shortly to the annual PLYC gathering held at the Buoy Bar.  December 10th, 2021 @ 7:00 pm. Save the date and share with friends and family.  The more the merrier!

Where we meet up again to “Jingle and Mingle”, raise our glasses and toast to holiday cheers!  Reflect, share pictures, and recount our favorite summer memories.  

Sporting our most fashionable of Ugliest Sweaters!  Ugliest of them all will win a prize!

And to jazz it up this year, we ask that everyone bring a small fun, funny, thoughtful and/or boozy preferably nautical gift to share as a Secret Santa gift exchange.  

Can’t wait to see everyone again very soon! 



Fwd: You’re Invited! – 2PM, Sun, Oct 17th Open House – North Shore Yacht Club

Mary Ann ~/)~

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mary Lu dempsey <;
Date: October 11, 2021 at 14:36:44 EDT
To: Mary Lu dempsey <;
Subject: You’re Invited! – 2PM, Sun, Oct 17th Open House – North Shore Yacht Club

Ahoy Experienced and Aspiring Sailors! 

We hope all is well as we all transition to a new season and already thinking about sailing plans for next year! 


A Friendly Reminder You’re Invited!  Whether experienced or not, with or without a boat, why not mark your calendars for an Open House at North Shore Yacht Club (NSYC), this coming Sunday, October 17th (2 to 5PM) …73 Orchard Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY? 


Despite the pandemic, our Cruising, Racing, Boat Share, Junior Sailing, Social and Education programs are tremendous successes for 2021! …. all complemented with superb launch service, secure moorings, a beautiful setting on Manhasset Bay and the friendliest of people as we celebrate our 151st season. 


So, please mark your calendars drop by and share “Sailor Talk” talk with our members who love to sail while covering what we have to offer…Sunday, October 17th (2 to 5PM)… We do adhere to current Covid-19 Social Distancing and Masks criteria!    


For planning purposes, RSVP’s are certainly appreciated:  To Mary Lu Dempsey at, 516-767-1760. 


Looking forward to seeing you soon! 

Mary Lu 

