Kayak Races – 2021


Racing will start at 11:00 AM this Saturday the 14th. Swimming attire is strongly recommended. Unlike last year, the launch point will be at the outboard end of the big center dock. The boats are ready to go.

Everyone is welcome so bring friends. The more the merrier.

Member Message

Good morning PLYC!

Wanted to share a pic from Neil & Giulia wedding, that happy couple tied the knot last Saturday with a small intimate reception at the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club. 

We also had a new addition the the PLYC fleet.  Alex splashed down and was buzzing around in his new little hotrod.  MaryAnn, Myles and I had the pleasure of fun ride.

We have the Second Annual “Krazy Kayak” Race happening this Saturday
Show of hands who will be participating. Kayaks and Bubbly are ready!
Pre-Game meeting at the D dock at 10:30 am for and 11:00 am start.  
Who will be challenging the reigning champions Gloriana & Jeremy? Will they manage to keep their titles?  
We have a couple of birthdays this month, Alex was last week, MaryAnn is this Saturdayand GB will be celebrating his big “60”.  Beautiful Rita Robert’s will be hosting a very special 60 birthday celebration on Saturday August 21st at 5:30 pm in our famous Pergola in the East Marina.  All are welcome to come celebrate! 
It is important to text/call/email to let me know if you will be attending.  
Keep up the amazing work catching all those nasty balloons! Most recent catches Rossi Di Sera and LeGato!

Friendly reminder of all calendar events remaining for the season:
Aug 17 Zoom Happy Hour Membership Meeting 7:30 pm
Aug 21 Founding Fathers Regatta
Aug 22 Full Moon Cruise (*Sturgeon moon)
Sept 4-6 TBD – Flotilla possibly Atlantic Highlands
Sept 10 Captains Meeting Ocean Club for the Spirit Rider
Sept 11 Spirit Rider Regatta & Awards Dinner
Sept 12 Spirit Rider 911 Ceremony & Brunch
Sept 17 Membership Meeting -Pergola 7:30
Sept 21 Full Moon Cruise (* Corn Moon)
Sept 24 Commodore Cup Captains Meeting Celebration – Pergola 7:30 
Sept 25 Commodore Cup & BBQ
Oct 2 Pink Race
Oct 16 Pot Luck Trophy Dinner – **TBD if needed to be “Al Fresco” due to COVID or push to later date Oct 20 Full Moon Cruise (* Harvest Moon)
Oct 31 Halloween Race
Dec 10 PLYC Holiday Get Together 

Thank you all for a wonderful season thus far and for all your support. 

PLYC Commodore 



No that is not a swimming pool. That’s the site of new restrooms. 
A grand attraction for transients and homeless 20 ft from the Children’s Center. 
The bulkheads are literally caving in around us and this is the towns’ priority???
I would really like to hear the explanation behind this one! 

Robert Feihel
Past Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  