It’s time for an election! 

The bylaws of the Point Lookout Yacht Club require the executive board to provide for nominations and elections of new members to the executive board every three years. 

There are no specific rules as to who can run or hold office. All current club members are eligible.  A current executive member may be re-elected to the same or a different office without restrictions.

The executive positions listed below are open for nominations. Combined nominations for a Commodore/Vice Commodore team are acceptable. 

Nominees have the option to decline their nomination prior to the election, but all nominees that remain in the running will be included in the election process.

Multiple nominations for the same individual or team unopposed may be accepted as an election, and be installed into office with the approval of the current executive board. 

Nominees shall be submitted using the “” email address, which will be displayed on the member forum page of the website. If needed elections will be handled electronically, but voters’ selections will not be identified publicly, only the final results.

The nomination period will open today, March 14th, and run to the last day of the month March 31st. At the close of the nomination period, unmatched nominees for commodore will choose a running mate for vice commodore.

The nominees for each office will be published, along with the commodore/vice commodore teams. An election period will open shortly after, lasting 5 days. The list of nominees will be available on the website with selection boxes for each. It is permissible for a nominee for commodore to also be a nominee for vice commodore selected by the commodore nominee (e.g. Nom-A chooses  Nom-B, and Non-B chooses Nom-A).

Members must be logged in to vote, and may do so up until the election period closes on April 5th, 2019

Please begin sending your nominations at once. And, feel free to nominate yourself and a partner if you like. 

Open positions:

Commodore / Vice commodore

Social Affairs Commodore


Technology Commodore (Tentative – responsible for website maintenance and marine product and procedure research) this new position has not yet been approved, and will require approval of the executive board. 

GPS date rollover affects older GPS units – Sailfeed


GPS Date Rollover Affects Older GPS Units×135.jpg 300w,×346.jpg 768w,×234.jpg 520w, 1420w” alt=”” style=”max-width: 100%; margin: 0.5em auto; display: block;” apple-inline=”yes” id=”38BAEC58-C8C9-4C55-B4EF-98BF35DF0BFB” src=”×360.jpg” class=””>

On April 6th, 2019 older GPS units may experience a range of problems because of a limitation in how they handle dates.  Thos problems could include not being able to receive location data.  It turns out the way dates are stored in older GPS units has a rollover event every roughly 20 years and we are about to experience the second one since the GPS constellations came online.  The rollover last happened in 1999 but in the last 20 years, the use and dependence on GPS has increased dramatically.

The Department of Homeland Security has published a bulletin on the upcoming rollover, as has the Coast Guard.  Both bulletins make reference to a new GPS spec (IS-GPS-200) that deals with these rollovers gracefully.  Unfortunately, the bulletins also warn that not all implementations of the new specification work properly and some GPS units might be prone to trouble either at the 4/6/19 rollover or later.

The underlying problem stems from the way GPS units store dates.  The original specification for GPS had dates stored by week in a 10-bit field (2^10 or 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2) which is 1,024 weeks.  1,024 weeks is 19 years, 36 weeks.  Dates for the GPS constellation start at midnight on January 5th, 1980, so the first rollover occurred on August 21, 1999.  Now, 19 years and 36 weeks later the same thing will happen again on April 6th, 2019.

Furuno has stated their units will experience the rollover on March 17th, 2019, almost three weeks earlier than the published date in the notices.  Furuno has a list of affected units as well as information on how to cold start the units to restore location information.  It appears the date will remain wrong but the location services should function correctly.  The affected units appear to all have been introduced in the early 2000s and ended sale around a decade ago.

Raymarine has posted to their forum that they are confident most of their recent hardware (Axiom, a/c/e/eS-Series MFDs and Raystar 130 & 150 GPS receivers) are unaffected.

Garmin has published a support article indicating they don’t expect trouble for their units as long as they are running current software.

Most of my research indicates the trouble is likely to be restricted to some possible restarts or even factory defaulting of equipment followed by potentially incorrect dates.  I don’t believe it’s likely much equipment will end up fully broken but do think it’s prudent to check the accuracy of your GPS equipment around the 4/6/2019 date, especially if you have older navigational equipment.

This article was syndicated from Panbo

Oak cliff Seminar

From Lynn Arena…

Hey Guys

Hope you are having a good winter. Just wanted to let you know about the next winter seminar at Oakcliff
I may go….Let me know if anyone is interested or feel free to pass the info along
I believe you would need to go on their website and register first.

Mary Ann ~/)~

North Shore YC Open House

Happy New Year Mary Ann! 
Please mark your calendar for Saturday, February 2nd…3 to 6PM.
You’re cordially invited to the North Shore Yacht Club’s Officers’ Cocktail Party & Open House on February 2nd, 3 to 6PM….73 Orchard Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY
As you know, we’re for aspiring or experienced sailors with, or without, a boat, a kayak, want to Share a Boat, looking for Junior Sailing, interested in racing, cruising or sailing lessons, and want a yacht Club experience at an affordable price, the North Shore Yacht Club is worth considering.
Of course, if you know of membership prospects for NSYC, please invite them too!
This is a perfect opportunity to mingle with fellow sailors and friends in a beautiful setting while sharing common interests and experiences and what  the North Shore Yacht Club has to offer.
An RSVP either way (“yes or no”) to Mary Lu Dempsey,“>  516-767-1760 is appreciated.
Mary Ann, we hope to see you on February 2nd!
Thank you!
cell/text  516-728-4389

Mary Ann ~~/)~~

Farewell get-together


It is getting close to that time when we need to bid a dear friend farewell. The portion of my life that I have known her is really quite short, even though I feel like I have known her forever.

This woman is a true friend, with a good sense of fair play, a great sense of humor, and knowledge of sailing beyond compare.

She is moving on to her next adventure in life, taking advantage of an opportunity to spend more time with her family while enjoying some better weather and living. 

Jayne and I will be meeting her at Hennigan’s to wish her well and see her off. I am hoping that most of our schedules are open on Friday the 11th to join us for an hour or two in celebration of our time together. Target time is 7:30.


Hope to see you next Friday,



Bottoms Up

Has anyone seen whats on the bottom our boats this season? 

According to Phil at Jones Inlet Marina, all the boats that came out of the East Marina had grass growing on the bottom. 
Anyone have any thoughts on this? We kick-up so much mud at low tide, maybe we are growing sod?

I can tell you this. It was a slow drip to the marina.

This will be Jolly Mon’s last season in Freeport. She is headed for Brooklyn in the spring, but we are all invited to a raft-up in Sheep’s Head Bay with the Russians. 🙂

Enjoy any time off you may have and have a great New Year’s.


Robert Feihel
Vice Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  