Awards Party

Special thank you to Kimball and CJ for hosting our awards party last night. I think we all had a great time. 
Congratulations to all our race winners! Let’s look forward to some challenging new twists for next season. 
Thank you  Ellen and Mary Ann, and Kat for the award preparations, and taking notice of Maddy’s courage and performance in a scary situation. 
The event all came together nicely. 

Cheers to our ugly sweater contestants and winners!

It was great to visit with all of you last night. 

Have a safe and healthy holiday season!


Robert Feihel
Vice Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Save the date December 7


Our PLYC Holiday/Awards pot luck dinner party will be held December 7 at CJ and Kimball’s house in Point Lookout. Watch your emails for the Evite from Kat. Happy holidays Merry Christmas …see you there!

Mary Ann ~/)~
Secretary PLYC

Halloween Cruise


Yeah a Nor’easter bad weather karma this year. The costume party is scheduled for the 26 at the Buoy Bar..I’m not going
Have fun

Mary Ann ~~/)~~

On Oct 22, 2018, at 21:54, PLYC Vice Commodore <> wrote:

Ahoy Members,


This weekend is the final scheduled sailing event of the season. I believe the plan this year was to dress as pirates for a quiet afternoon sail. Well, things have changed a little…

The weather report for the weekend is predicting a possible noreaster, heavy rain with 25mph winds on Saturday, tapering off on Sunday to 18mph. I think it’s going to take some adventurous pirates to brave that weather. I am not sure there is enough rum in the Caribbean for some.

Does anyone know the schedule for the Buoy Bar costume party? Is anyone planning to go? Don’t forget there is a field trip to Kat’s new restaurant the following Friday.

Please let everyone know if you plan to attend the party and/or the field trip, by responding to this note. 

I look forward to seeing everyone.

By the way, thank you all for a great season. It had its sad time, but gave us an opportunity to comfort each other and John’s family.  



Robert Feihel
Vice Commodore
Point Lookout Yacht Club  


A new job for Wilson.


San Francisco (CNN) A 2,000 foot-long floating pipe nicknamed Wilson is about to start its mission to collect all the plastic in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Last month, the Ocean Cleanup foundation launched the world’s first ocean cleanup system out of San Francisco to take on the notorious “Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” a giant floating trash pile between San Francisco and Hawaii that is twice the size of Texas. It’s the largest of five ocean trash piles on Earth.

The pipe is set to arrive at its destination in the ocean on Tuesday and begin the cleanup process soon after, according to a company spokesperson.

The pipe, which is in the shape of a U, features a 3-meter deep net underneath it to trap floating plastic under the water’s surface. A boat will return to the spot every couple of months to remove the debris — like a garbage truck for the ocean — and return it to shore. The goal is to recycle the plastic and create new products.

The Ocean Cleanup uses a U-shaped pipe to collect plastic. The company’s goal is to clean the world’s oceans.
With about 150 million tons of plastic in the world’s oceans — and that number expected to triple in the next decade — this type of trash disposal has real implications for climate change, the safety of sea life and industries such as fishing and tourism. It can also affect our health if plastic ends up in the food we eat.

“That plastic is still going to be there in one year. It’s still going to be there in ten years,” said 24-year-old Ocean Cleanup founder and CEO Boyan Slat. “It’s probably still going to be there in 100 years, so really only if we go out there and clean it up this amount of plastic is going to go down.”

The trash collects in the middle of the U-shaped pipe until a garbage boat comes to collect it. The device has satellite pods that communicate with the company’s headquarters in the Netherlands and other boats to share its location. It’s controlled remotely and has two cameras located in the center.

The Ocean Cleanup team has been researching and testing the pipe for the past five years. In 2013, the project raised over $2 million through crowdfunding and has since raised over $30 million.

The group hopes the pipe will collect 50 tons of trash by April 2019 and clean 90% of the world’s ocean plastic by the year 2040.

But some experts question whether how much a system like this can be a real impact on such large oceans. It’s also faced criticism for its inability to capture small pieces of debris and the possibility of some sea life getting trapped inside. Some critics also worry if the device could break down, whether due to malfunction or storms, and create even more ocean garbage.

The Ocean Cleanup’s device floats and sends data back to the company’s headquarters from wherever it is in the ocean.
Eben Schwartz, the marine debris program manager at the California Coastal Commission, said his main concern is the percentage of plastic that floats and could be collected this way is too small to make a difference. He believes focusing on trash reduction with land-based efforts will be more effective.

“It’s much more effective from a cost and prevention effort to stop trash from entering in the first place,” Schwartz said.

Schwartz added that his water and beach cleanup volunteer group collected between 7 and 10 times the amount of trash Ocean Cleanup wants to capture by spring 2019.

“We did it in three hours and for a fraction of the cost of The Ocean Cleanup’s project.”

Although Schwartz said that cleaning up the oceans is important, he believes the attention around the project could curb other efforts to reduce waste.

“If this makes people feel like they don’t need to worry about recycling because this thing is out there, that’s a serious negative consequence,” he said.

The need to clean up our oceans is getting attention beyond this project. Last week, President Donald Trump signed the Save Our Seas Act, which aims to help clean ocean waste by extending its own ocean cleanup initiative, the Marine Debris Program, for five more years.

It may not be the only effort around, but Slat believes his pipe will make a big difference.

“Back in the day people said, ‘Well, there’s no way to clean this up. The best thing we could do is not make it worse,'” Slat said. “But to me that’s a very uninspiring message. Everyone wants the future to be better than the present, and that’s what we hope to achieve.”

View on CNN
Mary Ann ~/)~

North Shore YC Invitation


Fellow Aspiring and Experienced Sailors


We sure hope you decide to attend our Open House, on Sunday, at 2 to 5PM and look forward to listening to your sailor needs and how North Shore Yacht Club might fit.


Sunday’s weather looks good. Please drop by and share a beverage and our beautiful view while sailor-talking with us.


RSVPs are appreciated to Mary Lu Dempsey at, Mobile: 516-728-4389.

Hope to see you soon!


Mary Lu

Mobile: 516-728-4389

Mary Ann ~/)~

Buoy number 2 lat/long


CHART  12352

ChartTitle: Shinnecock Bay to East Rockaway Inlet


Jones Inlet Lighted Buoy 2 Jones Inlet Lighted Buoy 2                             

from 40-34-15.680N to 40-34-03.563    

 FROM :073-34-51.266W  TO :073-35-22.042W

Mary Ann McCruden
Point Lookout Yacht Club, Secretary
Point Lookout, N.Y.

Jones Inlet Buoy News!

Good news..
The US Coast Guard Cutter Katherine Walker put two buoys back on station today in Jones Inlet.
They replaced buoy 1 and placed buoys 1 and 2 into deeper water..I don't have the coordinates yet..should be in Thrusday's LNM
YAY..hope they put them in a good place

Mary Ann McCruden
Point Lookout Yacht Club, Secretary
Point Lookout, N.Y.