It’s with a heave heart I am sending this email. For everyone’s safety, due to the forecasted heavy winds today’s Dog Daya Regatta is cancelled.
Whom ever is around standby by for docktails.
PLYC Captains kindly confirm participation to the events! Our races have been so limited, hopefully everyone can make it.
We greatly appreciate your patience with the last minute changes!
PLYC Commodore
We are proud to announce that Neil Parker won yet again in the ALIR. This year he crewed on a beautiful Hencley h-38 named Spectra. They won 2nd place in Division 1 non-spinnaker. Congratulations to the team.
Tracking them on Kattak was fun.
Friendly reminder that this weekend… weather permitting of course.
On Saturday we have the Dog Days Regatta race details will be sent the day before by Race Commodore Bobby T!
Sunday we have rescheduled the Krazy Kayak race, set up time 10:00am for all brining kayaks and start time at 11:00am. Followed by Champagne celebration!
Kindly Reply back to this email if you are participating in both or in one or the other please. Thank you.
Have a great week and see you at the dock!
It turns out that this Saturday is “INTERNATIONAL TEQUILA DAY!
Therefore I thought that it would only be fit the adjust our “International Pot Luck cuisine”. Everyone can bring their signature dish from either their heritage or culture or you may also have the option to bring dishes that pair well with TEQUILA and is it so pleases to bring TEQUILA based cocktails!
We will save the great feast to enjoy as an adveturous passage from boat to boat making our fabulous memories as always!
I have been slaving away making this monster ALIR specialty in this raging heat! Phtou! phtou! Pray I don’t jinx it lol!
Look forward to see you soon!
PS: who has last years group picture?
Suggested Course
Start 1&2
Round JI to vessel Portside
Then portside rounding to dropped mark at:
+ 40° 32.55 -73° 34.85
FINISH at 1&2
Course length 3.5 miles.
If time/conditions permit:
After finishing between 1&2:
Round either the 1 (to port)or 2 (to starboard) & Repeat course.
Then Race length = 7 miles
Good luck racers!
1st Place. Haleakala 2
2nd. Legatto
3rd. Outward Bound
Congratulations to all the teams!
A great day! Thanks to Ellen for coordinating the Pink Hats & Jodi for the tule, bubbles & leis!