Mary Ann ~/)~
Holiday Wishes
I would like to wish everyone very Happy Passover and Easter celebrations. We are very much looking forward to seeing you face-to-face in the coming weeks and enjoying this sailing season together.
There is a not so well kept secret that Jayne and I decided to make one more purchase in our sailing careers. We hope to close on a Jeanneau DS in the coming weeks. The name will remain a secret until we have an official naming party, however.
With this purchase comes the sale of our loved Vaquita. She is listed with Coney’s Marine, and if anyone knows of someone looking for a great cruiser she is all ready for the water. Any, somewhat reasonable offer will likely be accepted.
Finally, Jayne and I are headed for Nickerson Beach to see if we can see the new buoy positions. It is going to be a scary new adventure making our way in and out Jones Inlet this year. I am sure that if we share our experiences we will get everyone through safely.
Best Wishes,
Happy Holidays
Demasted Heineken Regatta
Scary Demasted Heineken Regatta
Congratulations Hank and Alex!!! Heineken St. Maarten Regatta
Ahoy PLYC!
Please join me in congratulating Alex and Hank, the owner of a beautiful 48ft Swan named Avoacation. They came in first for the Island Time Division in the annual Heineken St. Maarten Regatta!
It was a brutally challenging race with winds so strong 2 boats got demasted! Great job to the Avocation team!
Starting off the PLYC 2022 sailing season with a win from our newest member Alex Hummel.

Congratulations again and safe travels home!
Katerina Xenos
Open House at NSYC
You’re Invited! …for an Open House at North Shore Yacht Club (NSYC), Sunday, March 6th (2 to 5PM) …73 Orchard Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY.
Despite the pandemic, our Cruising, Racing, Boat Share, Junior Sailing, Social and Education programs are already staged for 2022 success as we celebrate our 152nd season. Covid: We comply with the latest Covid-19 Protocol
As always, “You’re invited.”
…RSVP’s are appreciated: To Mary Lu Dempsey at, 516-767-1760.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Mary Lu