April 15 @ 7:00 PM 🥂🥂🥂PLYC Pre-Season Zoom Happy Hour!

Ahhhhhoyooooy Point Lookout Yacht Club Members near and far!

Please join us for a PLYC Pre Sailing Season toast. 🍾🍾🍾

So get comfy, get your drink on and ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM in for a fun filled evening to say CHHERS, catch up and to see everyone’s smiling faces ! 🍻🍹🍸🍷

We shall toast the new season that is upon us and start this sailing season right.

Also please forward to all PLYC friend to join as well! Everyone is always welcome!

Topic: PLYC Pre-Season Happy Hour get together 
Time: Apr 15, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 832 8666 3674 
Passcode: 8J3FbK 
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Meeting ID: 832 8666 3674 
Passcode: 915283 
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k8UdErF0y 

Can’t wait to see ya!!!

PLYC Commodore 

Letter from the Commodore


Dear Point Lookout Yacht Club Members,


Spring 2021 is here and I am pleased to have the opportunity to serve as the new Commodore for the Point Lookout Yacht Club.  I cannot express how humbled and how it’s such a great honor to be the new Commodore!   Please also give a very big welcome to our new Vice Commodore Paul SanPaolo and two beautiful Co-Social Commodores Sasha Todaro and Elyn Coyle. Also want thank Jan Heinlein, John Bono and Bobby Todaro for the exceptional work they have done and truly appreciate their continued support.


I also want to give very special thanks and appreciation to Past Commodores and Exec Members that I had the privilege to work with.  MaryAnn McCruden, Ellen Kramer, Peggy Hoffman and Rob Feihel.  


As Commodore we will continue the legacy of  Peter J. Gerlett as he so eloquently stated that “We, of the Point Lookout Yacht Club, share a common love of the sea, the art of sailing and the joys of comradeship that bond us in mutual respect and purpose.

We are pledged to promote the skills of seamanship, respect for our fellow sailors, respect for our sea and all its creatures, love of our country and its values, and the rights of all to share in its natural bounty and beauty.”

We have survived and prevailed during the most challenging times, we made the best of 2020 and now are forward bound to another wonderful 2021 season.  Although we remain diligent in safety first with social distancing, with ever changing limitations & restrictions on social gatherings.  We will tack and trim as we go to continue to make every moment as Incredible as the last.  PLYC has remained positive and resilient together.  


Always know that as your Commodore, I pledge to fully support every PLYC member and the community.  I am open to listen, help and support any ideas, suggestions and conversation that can make things better no matter how big or small.  Everyone is welcome to call, text, email or come aboard my Dulcinea. 


We look forward to seeing all of you soon within the coming weeks, whether it be in person, virtual or on the water. Keep an eye out on the PLYC membership form and club’s calendar for the new upcoming events for 2021.


Although we may be faced with challenges along the way, we will strive to do our very best to make this another fun and successful year.


I wish everyone a rewarding and memorable summer sailing season!




Katerina Xenos, Commodore

Point Lookout Yacht Club





It’s Unanimous!


Our new Commodore is Katrina Xenos!

Our new Vice Commodore is Paul Sanpaolo

Replacing Kat in the position of Social Affairs Commodore will be two new members of the executive team, Ellen Coyle and Sasha Todaro who will be co-chairing the position.

Bob Todaro will remain our Race Commodore.

John Bono will remain Treasurer.

Jan Heinlein will continue her great service as club secretary.

Please welcome and congratulate our new executive team.


Robert Feihel

Senior Manager


Regional Information Center

(516) 832-2725


“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ’Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.” “Begin creating or performing at the level you intend to reach — don’t start as a “beginner.”


Theodore Roosevelt





Fwd: You’re Invited! – Mark Calendars for – 2PM, Sunday, April 11th Open House – North Shore Yacht Club


Ahoy Fellow Sailors!   


We hope you are healthy and well in 2021. 


 Dreaming about your spring, summer and beyond plans for 2021?   If so, you’re Invited to our Sunday, April 11th Open House !


To “Jump-Start” the dreaming, whether experienced or not, with or without a boat, why not “mark your calendars” for an Open House at North Shore Yacht Club (NSYC), Sunday, April 11th (2 to 5PM) …73 Orchard Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY. 


Despite the pandemic, our Cruising, Racing, Boat Share, Junior Sailing, Social and Education programs are already staged for 2021 success…all complemented with superb launch service, secure moorings, a beautiful setting on Manhasset Bay, the friendliest of people as NSYC celebrates our 151st season. 


Guaranteed!   We do adhere to current Covid-19 Social distancing and masks criteria!    


So, please mark your calendars and drop by…Sunday, April 11th (2 to 5PM)  

and mingle with friendly sailor members in our beautiful setting and review what our Club has to offer.  (friends welcomed!) 


RSVP’s are appreciated:  To Mary Lu Dempsey at mludempsey@msn.com, 516-767-1760. 


Looking forward to seeing you soon! 

Mary Lu 



website: www.nsyc.net 

NOTICE of Elections


G’day Members,

The time has come to refresh the executive team by nominating and electing some new officers. I am very pleased to announce several candidates have expressed their interest and have been endorsed. However, this opportunity is still open to others who would like to be nominated and run. You can do so by submitting your nominations to: members@pointlookoutyc.com . If no additional candidates are submitted, a vote by a show of hands will be ruled as acceptance of the following officers.

Votes must be emailed to our club Secretary Jan Heinlein by Wednesday, March 10th.

The following candidates have been nominated and endorsed:

For the position of Commodore:      Katerina Xenos

For the position of Vice Commodore:          Paul Sanpaolo

Social Affairs Commodore will be co-chaired by: Ellen Coyle & Sasha Todaro. 

The positions of Treasurer and Race Commodore will remain the same, chaired by

John Bono and Bob Toraro.

Please take time to vote promptly, and give a warm welcome to our nominees.

Thank you all for making my participation a wonderful experience, and most importantly thank you all for your generosity and initiative fund raising for the TLC during a difficult season. I am proud to say you exceeded several previous years’ donations. 

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Sign the petition – Dredge Jones Inlet

I miss you

Mary Ann ~/)~

On Feb 24, 2021, at 12:43 PM, slowsail14@gmail.com wrote:

Dear friends,

I just signed the petition Dredge Jones Inlet and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Thank you!

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It’s really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter: https://community.sumofus.org/petition/0be25a25-8c33-4a4f-ab63-64a019c2812f/?source=mlt

Sent from my iPhone

Fwd: Sign the petition – Dredge Jones Inlet


Dear friends,
I just signed the petition Dredge Jones Inlet and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Thank you!
P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It’s really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter: https://community.sumofus.org/petition/0be25a25-8c33-4a4f-ab63-64a019c2812f/?source=mlt
Sent from my iPhone

First Day/ Second Day Hikes

Hi all!  At our last Zoom meeting, we discussed going on an organized First Day Hike New Year's Day. The weather looks iffy for Friday, but Saturday looks good!

Some of us are planning to go on the Lantern Walk at Connetquot State Park Saturday evening 7-9 pm.  If you want to join us,  here is the info:
Lantern Walk 7-9 pm Saturday, Jan 2.
Lanterns will be provided or bring your own.  
Cost is $4 per person (cash)
Reservations required: 631-581-1072
Arrive 6:45 pm