Zoom meeting invitation – Katerina Xenos’ Personal Meeting Room
Topic: Katerina Xenos’ Personal Meeting Room
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BoatUS warns boaters to be wary of letters arriving offering renewal of @USCG documentation
NEWS From BoatUS
Boat Owners Association of The United States
5323 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22151
Read this press release online at: https://bit.ly/3800dw5
Press Contact: D. Scott Croft, 703-461-2864, SCroft@BoatUS.com
Photo Available at: https://www.boatus.com/news-room//Images/Releases/Memb Alert USCG Documentation photo 12_15_20.png
Photo Caption: BoatUS is advising boaters to be alert when renewing U.S. Coast Guard documentation (credit: BDOutdoors.com)
Official-Looking Vessel Documentation Renewal Notices
Can Lead to Confusion and Higher Costs
BoatUS advises boaters to be vigilant when renewing USCG vessel documentation
SPRINGFIELD, Va., Dec. 15, 2020 – Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) is advising boaters with vessels that have a U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Documentation to be wary of any letter arriving by U.S. mail offering renewal.
BoatUS advises that while the Coast Guard does send official annual renewal notices by U.S. mail, other notices being received by members are not from the Coast Guard but rather third-party companies whose name or return addresses may appear similar to that of the official U.S. Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC).
BoatUS members have complained that these letters direct them to websites that may be mistaken for the actual Coast Guard NVDC located in Falling Waters, West Virginia, and appear to show a significant increase in the annual fee to renew Coast Guard documentation.
In 2017 the Coast Guard issued a bulletin that says in part:
“The NVDC is aware that there are commercial entities that offer to manage the certification/renewal process on behalf of vessel owners for a fee. The Coast Guard does not endorse any of these companies, and the companies do not operate on behalf of the Coast Guard in any way. Any fees charged or agreements offered by such companies are in no way associated with the NVDC certification process. In addition, these companies are not authorized to issue any form of documentation, including travel letters and/or permits that authorize operation of ANY vessel. Customer complaints can be made through the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) website at https://www.ftc.gov/.”
While third-party companies may legitimately provide services to assist with vessel documentation renewals, the Coast Guard’s own renewal process is simple for most vessels and the price, $26 annually, is often much lower than what third-party services may charge. To renew, go to the Coast Guard National Documentation Center website at https://www.uscg.mil/nvdc and click on “instructions and forms,” then “Certificate of Documentation Application for Renewal.” BoatUS notes that the Coast Guard NVDC now also offers renewal options up to five years for recreational vessels only.
To be documented, a vessel must measure at least five net tons and, with the exception of certain oil-spill response vessels, owned by a U.S. citizen. Boats about 27 feet in length or longer generally meet the weight requirement.
BoatUS also advises boaters who may have received mail that they believe is misleading or deceptive to contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or through its website https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov.
ZOOM Meeting moved to Tuesday the 22nd
Ahoy Members,
I hope everyone is well.
We have a tentatively scheduled Zoom meeting that needs to be rescheduled to Tuesday, December 22nd. That is next Tuesday at 7:00 PM.
Kat will be sending out invitations with connection information.
Pour (or mix) your favorite beverage and join us to reminisce about our summer experiences and begin plans for next year.
TLC Presentation moved to 2:45PM today
TLC Check presentation
Dear Members,
I had a very enjoyable summer and I hope you feel the same way, In spite of the situation with covid.
We had some new members join our ranks. We had our usual compliment of races with some new twists of rules and scoring, introducing the handicapped start that ended in some exciting finishes. We had a Pink Race that challenged the skills of all-women crews. We introduced kayak races that were so much fun people are looking forward to next year.
We traveled. We saw lots of wildlife, getting some spectacular pictures of whales, not to mention videos.
We ate, we drank, and we took care of each other respecting rules of touching all the while wishing for our familiar club hugs.
For the most part, we are healthy. But, we need to sacrifice a little longer to be sure we remain that way to be ready for a fresh new season in the spring, finding new, innovative ways to have fun.
We pulled together as a team to raise over $7,000 for our treasured Toy Lending Center (without the party!). That is a fantastic show of support and extremely important as charitable funds have been spread thin due to the pandemic.
Thank you all for your time, contributions and begging to make the campaign successful.
I want to extend a special thanks to the executive team and Vicky for their management of contributions and drive for donations.
Tomorrow, I welcome everyone to join the executive team when we present the proceeds of our work to Coleen of the TLC. I suggest sometime around 1:00PM.
Safety needs to be our highest priority, even though I tend to be a bit cavalier about my own. For this reason, I can’t see having any indoor gatherings until spring, when hopefully the situation has changed a bit. In the spirit of looking forward to better times, I propose we begin planning for next year via zoom to make it better than any previous one.
Let’s all enjoy the rest of this season, maybe plan to safely meet over the winter and look forward to a blow-out 2021.
On behalf of the executive team, Mary Ann, John, Bobby, Kat and Jan, thank you all for a wonderful season.
Point Lookout Yacht Club
Performing a VHF Marine Radio Check – Coast Guard Maritime Commons Blog
Performing a VHF Marine Radio Check
The Coast Guard Inspections and Compliance Directorate has issued MSIB 20-20 to inform mariners of the proper procedure for performing a VHF radio check.
Sea Tow Automated Radio Check System no longer available:
For several years, Sea Tow operated an Automated Radio Check System, which was available on VHF Channels 24 to 28 for the benefit of mariners in over 130 locations. However, on October 2nd, 2020 that service was discontinued.
How to test a VHF Radio using Rescue 21:
The U.S. Coast Guard continues to offer an automated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Test Call capability from each of its Rescue 21 coastal stations. All fixed mount marine radios certified by the Federal Communications Commission since 1999 are required to have a DSC capability. All such radios sold since 2011 must also have a DSC test call capability. Marine radios transmitting and successfully receiving a response from a DSC test call can be expected to operate acceptably in the voice mode as well.
To perform a DSC Test Call, enter the U.S. Coast Guard’s coast station group identity “003669999” into the radio’s DSC memory. Once entered and stored, a DSC test call can be made by executing the following three steps:
- Select “Test Call” from the radio’s DSC menu,
- Select the USCG number entered into memory, and
- Transmit the call.
The radio display should indicate when that test call is acknowledged and display the acknowledging station’s nine-digit identity. That identity may be different than the group identity previously entered into memory.
Please use VHF Channel 09 and do not use VHF Channel 16:
VHF Channel 16 is not for the purpose of radio checks. Please use VHF Channel 09, which has been designated by the FCC as a boater’s calling channel.
Questions concerning this notice may be forwarded to Coast Guard Spectrum Management and Communications Policy Division (CG-672) at HQS-SMB-CG-672@USCG.MIL or to the Coast Guard Navigation Center’s “Contact Us” page by selecting ”Maritime Telecommunications” as subject.
This blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations and updates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links provided on this blog will direct the reader to official publications, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code of Federal Regulations. These publications remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard.
Fwd: You’re Invited! – 2PM, Sunday, Oct 25th Open House – North Shore Yacht Club
From: wpalafox <wpalafox@aol.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 16:22
Subject: You're Invited! – 2PM, Sunday, Oct 25th Open House – North Shore Yacht Club
To: wpalafox <wpalafox@aol.com>
summer. Please Mark your calendars for an Open House invitation to North Shore Yacht
Club (NSYC), Sunday, October 25th (2 to 5PM) …73 Orchard
Beach Blvd, Port Washington, NY.
members still enjoyed another successful Boat Share, Junior Sailing, Sailing Lessons,
Education, Cruising, Racing, Social programs, attractive Club house and deck on
beautiful Manhasset Bay plus outstanding motor launch service.
you have, or do not have a boat, here’s another chance, to mingle with friendly
members and friends in our beautiful setting while getting re-acquainted with
rich 150-year history and what we have to offer.
and masks criteria
despite Covid-19, please mark your calendar for Sunday, Oct 25th, 2
to 5PM, stretch your legs, and drop by.
you soon!
FW: Visit the Bay Houses of Long Island
On Channel 21 TOMORROW – – the South Shore’s Bay Houses documentary. Check out the trailer featuring our own Commissioner TOM DOHENY!
Giulia and I will be watching!
Neill Parker, AIA LEED AP
31 West 27th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
o: 212.226.8898
m. 917.751.8077
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From: WLIW21 <wliwmembership@wliw.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 2:31 PM
To: Parker, Neill <nparker@stonehilltaylor.com>
Subject: Visit the Bay Houses of Long Island
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Click here to report this message as spam. Look inside the South Shore homes that have been in families for more than 100 years.
Club announcements and race results