We have another boat! Jeremy announced his plans to go.
We’ll have to find that restaurant in the parking lot again!
The Atlantic Highlands
Check out event photos.
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Atlantic Highlands Trip
Happy First Day of Summer!
Dog days
Summer Sailstice Saturday
PLYC TLC Membership Meeting tonight @ 7:30 pm
First Day OF Summer 20201 “Summer Solstice”
Good morning PLYC!
We have a fun filled weekend coming up. Weather will be in the high 80s.
Friday, June 17th at 7:30 pm at the Fisherman’s Catch, we will be having our annual TCL membership meeting. Please RSVP to let us know who will be joining so we can accommodate accordingly.
Fun fact! Saturday, June 19th marks the 21st anniversary of Summer Sailstice; a global holiday celebrating sailing. Each year thousands of sailors participate by racing, cruising or daysailing across all 50 US states and around the globe, sailing ‘together’ wherever they are in the world.
Finally, we get to celebrate our Annual PLYC Summer Solstice Raft-Up! Outward bound will be the anchoring boat. It’s a spectacular event where we share from boat to boat full of culinary surprises, cool cocktails, summer smiles and striking sunsets. Who will go up the mast to take a pic? Our record so far is 11 boats. Details will be sent out by Thursday.
Show of hands who will be rafting up!!!!
A huge shout out to Rosso Di Sera who is currently in the lead with a major catch of 30 balloons this past weekend! Great job!!!
Wishing all the Wonderful Dads a very Happy Father’s Day to all this Sunday!
Look forward to seeing everyone this weekend.
Connie Bocklet
Hello PLYC,
It’s with great sadness that I am sending the news that CJ’s beautiful mother Connie Bocklet passed away surrounded by the love her wonderful family.
Services will be held at Clark’s Funeral Home in Katonah NY, Thursday 6/17/21 from 2pm-4pm and 7pm-9pm.
Her funeral Mass will be at St. Mary’s in Katonah on Friday 6/18/21 at 10 am.
The celebrate her life will be at the Hersey residence at 232 Mead St in Waccabuc at 1pm on Friday.
May Connie Bocklet rest in peace.