Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊
Rossa di Serra for the Gold
Thank you all for a great turnout!!!
Special shout out to The Commodore for doing the math & Grabbing the mark at the end.
Cheers 🥂
Dog Days Regatta – Start Times per boat
Membership meeting reminder
· TLC Fund Raising Promotion
o Solicit sponsors for the remaining season races in particular the Pink Race
o Sponsor a boat– solicit donations to donations for the winning race team
o Solicit corporate sponsors with advertising on out website
· Proposed Schedule changes
o August 8th Dog Days Regatta
o August 8th through 15th travel
o August 23rd Pink Race
o Sept 5 through the 7th Labor Day Travel
o Sept 12th Commodore Cup Event
o Sept 26th Pot Luck
Fund raiser for Long Island Toy Lending Center
I thought you might be interested in supporting this GoFundMe,
Even a small donation could help Point Lookout Yacht (PLYC) reach their fundraising goal. And if you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
Thanks for taking a look!
Johnny Bono
Have you seen “LI Toy Lending Ctr for Children with Disablities”?
I thought you might be interested in supporting this GoFundMe,
Even a small donation could help Point Look Out Yacht (PLYC) reach their fundraising goal. And if you can’t make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
Thanks for taking a look!
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday 7-26 Schedule
Congratulations Dark & Stormy Winners!
First place: Rosso Di Sera – Jeremy, Lynn & Paul
Second place: Haleakala2 – John, Tom, Tem, ?
Third place: LeGatto – Bobby, Sasha
Thank you Jeremy for the suggestion to initiate a start by handicap.
Thank you Bobby for executing the strategy flawlessly.
I hope everyone enjoyed the chase as much as I did! Thank you all for your participation.
See the pictures on the events page:
Dark & Stormy Registrants
Dark & Stormy Regatta