gold shoelaces

Thank you John. I will get the information on who to write a check to as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will down at the marina later on and I’ll be happy to give you shoelaces.

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Comment on your post
Date: September 12, 2019 at 9:10:55 AM EDT

John Bono commented on New PLYC Event Information:. See the comment at:


5 Days left…

to order PLYC apparel. Golf shirts now come with boat names on the sleeve. If you ordered one before the option was available you can call to get your order updated. 
All orders will be delivered with Gold Shoelaces. :^)
Please update your calendars for the Commodore Cup Regatta on Oct 5th. The race will be followed by a party at Kimball and CJ’s house, who graciously volunteered to host. 
I will send more information about what to bring in the coming days.
Have a great day!


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  





Pediatric Cancer Awareness


Good morning all – I spoke at the last meeting about gold shoelaces to support Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month (the month of September). Pediatric cancer is a horrific disease (as is all cancer) that is so very underfunded. Only 4 percent of all cancer research funding goes to pediatric cancer. One out of every five children diagnosed with some form of pediatric cancer dies every day; currently there are more than 300,000 children under the age of 19 diagnosed every year and it is considered one of the leading causes of childhood death. A coworker of mine lost her 8-year old son last year after a horrible year of treatment, pain (both mental and physical) and frustration over lack of knowledge about these cancers.

There is a group that supplies gold shoelaces for distribution and wearing. The only thing they ask is for pictures to be posted on facebook and/or twitter of the shoelaces being worn. I have seen much imagination in the way they are being used (I have one every day around my neck holding my badge as well as on my sneakers). Of course, contributions are always welcome but not required (my exercise studio donates the money raised to whatever charity Christine, my coworker, chooses – last year was her son’s doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering who is doing his own nonfunded-research to cure the type of cancer James died from).

I have plenty of these shoelaces with me on the Vaquita at all times. If anyone is interested, please let me know and I will gladly supply them. I thought we could, as a club, have our feet on the dock, on a lifeline, on a bow rail or where ever our imagination takes us (remember, the picture needs to be posted on social media). Christine posts daily stories about children and their families suffering and makes me realize just how very blessed I am. It would be great if we, as a club, help support this much needed cause.

Thank you – Jayne


Good morning Sailors,
There are couple of changes that will be made to the schedule for the coming two months. 
Thursday’s evening cruise was postponed indefinitely for Perigee and Vaquita, due to an injury of the winner. If any other boat is schedule to go out with guests, please let me known and I will make plans to go out on Vaquita, as well. 
Secondly,  the Commodore Cup Regatta is being reschedule for Saturday Oct 5th, along with the pot luck dinner previously scheduled for the night before. 
The current plan will be to hold the race, preceded by naming ceremonies for all our new boats. 
The pot-luck will follow. The location is yet to be determined. 
I hope this works for everyone’s schedule. It should be a spectacular finish to the season. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  






The PLYC apparel page has been changed to allow golf shirts to include a boat name on the sleeve (horizontal).

if you ordered a golf shirt and want to add your boat name call the store and they will adjust your order. 

Keep in mind there are only 8 days left to place your orders until the store closes until November. 



Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  