A message from Gina Bono Jenkins

Dear Members of the PLYC,
I wanted to reach out to thank each of you who played a role in my mom’s beautiful memorial sail. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect but the day could not have been more perfect. All of the boats gathered at the JI, sentiments echoed across channel 72, tossing of the flowers and the boats continuing to circle was truly amazing. It was a welcomed mix of family and friends sailing on Haleakala that day, sharing memories with laughter and playing her favorite music that also brought great comfort to my dad, daughter and I.
A huge thanks to Elyn Coyle. She went above and beyond helping coordinate the sail, the planting of my mom’s purple hydrangea, the plaque and getting the purple flowers. Thanks to Jeremy & Glo for the amazing stencil of the purple cats on Haleakala and for the purple pirate cat flag! WOW!! I’ll never forget all of your incredible kindness. And for those who did work behind the scenes, thank you too!!
Some have asked me about the prayer from Haleakala:
Heavenly Father,
You know how deeply we miss my mother. How our hearts ache for her and always will. Yet we are filled with an immeasurable gratitude for her life and how she is with us still. She is so clearly seen in my father, my sister and I. In her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She lives on in all of us in her kindness and deep love of family. Her compassion for others and especially her love of animals. Her sense of joy and fun. Her beautiful smile and infectious laughter. Her love of life. That is her legacy, her gift to us. The love and the goodness in each of us came through her and will always be with us forever. We thank you for the PLYC & their continued support and love they show to all of us to honor my mother. Father we thank you for the great gift of her life! Amen
Thank you to each and every member who showed up! We loved seeing all of the purple, hearing the heartfelt thoughts about my mom and we’re especially grateful for the love & respect you continue to show in honoring my mother’s memory.
With love and gratitude,
Gina Bono-Jenkins

Barbara Bono Memorial Sail

To add to Bob T's post, if you would like to contribute toward the shrub and plaque that was purchased in Barbara's memory, please contact Elyn Coyle at (516) 508-0330.
See you Saturday!

Memorial Sails 9/9-10

Greetings All.
This weekend sailing will be to honor the Memory of Barbara Bono on Saturday 9/10. The plan is to muster out at the JI Buoy on Saturday at 2:30 PM to Honor the life of our Friend, Wife, Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother. Flowers will be offered & words shared (ch 72).
All those interested in participating please meet at D dock at 1:00

Sunday 9/10 Spirit Rider:
The PLYC will muster in about 30’ of water just east of the Round house at 10:00 to organize a missing man formation to pass in front of the Ocean Club at 10:15
If you can fly a flag at half mast/halyard that would be appropriate.

Thank you,

PLYC 2024 & 2025 Officer Nominations


September 3, 2023                                               

Ahoy PLYC Members! 

As per the PLYC By-Laws, election of executive board members is to take place every odd numbered year. This email is starting the process for nominations and elections for the years 2024 and 2025. 

The PLYC Executive Board consists of 7 members. The titles and duties as stated in the PLYC By-Laws are: 

Commodore: shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the PLYC, the Commodore shall preside at all meetings of the PLYC. He/She shall have the authority to sign and execute in the name of PLCY any and all instruments authorized by the Executive Board or the Membership. He/She have general management and direction of the business affairs of the PLYC and all the power ordinarily exercised by a president of a corporation. The Commodore shall rule on procedures, appoint all standing and special committees and shall call all meetings with the exception of the Annual Meeting. In the conduct of the office, the Commodore shall be responsible to the Executive Board and shall act at its direction. 

Vice Commodore: shall perform the duties of the Commodore in the absence of the Commodore. Other duties will be given by the Commodore and/or the Executive Board. 

Treasurer: shall deposit all funds, keep financial records, make necessary disbursements, make financial and tax reports as required of the PLYC. A financial report to the Membership will be given at the Annual Meeting and Executive Board meetings. 

Secretary: shall keep the minutes of the meetings, records of the PLCY and other duties at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board.  

Racing Commodore: shall be responsible for the promotion and development of racing activities. Other duties shall be at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board. 

Social Commodore (currently 2 Co-Commodores): shall be responsible for the development and promotion of social activities of the PLYC. Other duties shall be at the discretion of the Commodore and/or the Executive Board.  

IT/Communications Executive: shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the PLYC web site. Making sure communications to members are properly posted on website.

As of 9/1/2023 this is the status of of offices for 2024 & 2025: 

Commodore – VACANT

Vice Commodore – Paul Sanpaolo will run for re-election.

Treasurer – John Bono will run for re-election.

Secretary – Jan Heinlein will run for re-election.

Social Commodore –

Elyn Coyle will run for re-election.

Sasha Todaro – undecided

Racing Commodore – Robert Todaro will run for re-election.

IT/Communication Executive – VACANT


Please note – all positions will be voted on in October. 

Any PLYC member in good standing may nominate another PLYC member in good standing for any of the PLYC Executive Board positions. The nomination must be submitted to the Secretary in writing via email. I will confirm with each nominee that they are willing to accept the nomination and be listed on the ballot. 

The nomination window runs from the date of this email and will close on September 30, 2023. Submit all nominations to janmhein@aol.com. 

Once the nominations are received, a ballot will be developed using a google form and sent out to the membership via email and posted on the PLYC web site for online voting. All ballot voting will be anonymous. 

If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Thank you.

Best regards,

Jan Heinlein

Secretary, PLYC


Passing of Tom Harsh’s Mother Joanne Harsh

Hello PLYC,

It is with deep sadness and heavy heart to share the sad news of the passing of our Tom Harsh’s mother Joanne Harsh. We may not of know her personally, but she must have been a wonderful soul because she raised such an incredible man. On behalf of all of the PLYC family, sending the Harsh family are deepest condolences for their loss. 
Tom’s Address is
520 East Fulton Street
Long Beach , NY  11561
Service details to follow shortly. 