Think Pink


The weather, wind and tide look great for tomorrow. It’s a fantastic opportunity to put the ladies to the test! They will have a short triangle course with two laps that will surely test their tacking skills. The guys will be down below testing their bartending skills and sampling as necessary. To make things a little more exciting bring your water canons, but save them for the finish line! Remember, pink clothes, pink food and pink drinks!

Have fun and stay safe.

Pink Race


Dear members,

The Pink Race is turning out to be a popular competition. This is going to be one hell of a regatta.  So far we have four boats, Haleakala2, LeGatto, Windancer and Vaquita in the lineup with a total of 17 crewmembers (including male servants). Any woman who is not yet assigned to a boat is welcome to register. There is still plenty of room to join the fun. 

Keep in mind the rules:

·      Each boat should be able to maintain safe distances onboard among crew members

·      The women will captain and crew the boat during the competition

·      Everyone onboard will wear pink

·      Male riders serve food and drinks

·      Standard PHRF handicaps will apply and be calculated during the pink party that follows

Crew/ boat assignments will follow very shortly.

Keep in mind there will be a Kayak race event the following week. Everyone in the marina is invited, so pass the word. 

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Pink Race

Ahoy Ladies, 

The Pink Race is scheduled for next Sunday the 23rd. 

I need all women who plan to participate to register using the event registration form on the main menu: 

Please follow the link and put your name in as the skipper. There is no need to provide any other information unless you plan to include your boat in the race. 

Please respond by the end of the day today to insure proper planning. 

This will be an actual short race with all women crews and guys serving drinks, followed by a pink dock party. 

Thank you for your prompt responses. 


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  

Dog Days Regatta


Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊
Rossa di Serra for the Gold
Thank you all for a great turnout!!!
Special shout out to The Commodore for doing the math & Grabbing the mark at the end.
Cheers 🥂

Dog Days Regatta – Start Times per boat


Here are the individual start time per boat for Saturday’s Dog Days Regatta. 

Be sure you watches are in sync with the starter to insure you start exactly on time. The “lead” column is your start time. 

The order over the finish line will determine your finishing position. Let’s hope for another photo finish! 

I hope to see everyone there. 
Good luck to all,


Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  


Saturday we will be having our annual hot August “Dog Days Regatta,” and as in the past, it will be somewhat slow challenging battle with 8 mph winds.

If captains would like to repeat the rolling start (pursuit) strategy again, please register to insure your boat is in the starting order, and include your PHRF in case I don’t already have it. We will calculate the start times in advance to be ready for Saturday morning.

Our Race Commodore will be sending a “notice of race” sometime before with the course and start times. Be sure to know your start time before you get to the line.


Membership meeting reminder

Discussion points:

·      TLC Fund Raising Promotion

o   Solicit sponsors for the remaining season races in particular the Pink Race

o   Sponsor a boat– solicit donations to donations for the winning race team

o   Solicit corporate sponsors with advertising on out website

·      Proposed Schedule changes

o   August 8th Dog Days Regatta

o   August 8th through 15th travel

o   August 23rd Pink Race

o   Sept 5 through the 7th Labor Day Travel

o   Sept 12th Commodore Cup Event

o   Sept 26th Pot Luck

Robert Feihel
Point Lookout Yacht Club  